Pyramid Symbolism: History, Sacred Geometry & Meaning
INSIDE: Many lifetimes of knowledge went into building those huge, mysterious triangles of Egypt, but few know of the thousands of other pyramids around the world. And even fewer know of the sacred math and pyramid symbolism encoded into the placements and dimensions of these structures.
No pyramids are more widely known than the Pyramids of Giza, located on the west bank of the Nile River, outside of modern-day Cairo. The largest of the three, the Great Pyramid, is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world that is still standing.
Is this due to its form, the triangle, which just happens to be one of the strongest and most stable shapes? Or is it due to the perfect geometry and divine measurements that helped build this massive structure?
The Egyptian pyramids are a wonderful representation of mathematical and geometric mysticism. Its sacred geometry is encoded into practically every living thing on earth in some way.
The pyramids contains a massive amount of information about the blueprint of the Universe, the solar system, and man, hidden in its geometric form.
Follow along as we discuss pyramid symbolism and its disguised secrets.
What is a Pyramid?
Pyramids are many things, but before we talk about their deeper meanings, we must ask a few simple questions: "What is a pyramid?" and "What does a pyramid represent?"
A pyramid is a formation that almost always has a square base and angled sides that meet in a point at the top. Throughout history, they have been built with different materials and of varying sizes by many cultures, including the Mayans in Central America, the Babylonians in Mesopotamia, and most famously, the Egyptians of Africa.
Plenty of civilizations whose names are lost to time built pyramids for one reason or another. But none other than the three aforementioned cultures were able to take pyramid building to a perfectionist level, which is why they are the most talked about now.
It’s no wonder that those three cultures still have pyramids standing for us to marvel at to this day.
Types of Pyramids
The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt is surely the most recognizable throughout the world today, but by no means is it the only type of pyramid. There are many variations on the basic characteristics of a pyramid.
All around the world, pyramid symbolism of the first noticeable triangular structures was depicted in different styles by different cultures.
In Giza, other parts of Africa, and in Central America, there are step pyramids that utilize flat platforms, decreasing in size from the ground up, to create a shape similar to the geometric pyramid that we’re all familiar with. It is assumed that these were most likely used as burial chambers and for ritualistic purposes.
Another type of pyramid is called a ziggurat, which is most notably located in Mesopotamia. Ziggurats weren't built as tall as the Giza pyramids but still retained the shape of a triangle and are thought to have been built around the same time.
Built in reverence to the Mesopotamian gods, they had flat tops that presumably held temples dedicated to those specific gods.
Another type, the bent pyramid, was given the name because of an assumption that the engineers “panicked” halfway into the building process because they thought that the sides were too steep, so they changed it to a more gentler slope.
This idea that the ancients did something “wrong,” simply because modern man doesn’t understand the reasoning behind it is unfortunately common in modern science. Pyramid symbolism can be expressed in many different ways and it’s not for us to say which expressions are right or wrong.
The History of Pyramid Symbolism Across Cultures
Pyramid symbolism and its meanings hold similar interpretations throughout different cultures. But what does a pyramid represent and why did so many civilizations around the world choose to revere the same object?
More Than a Tomb?
Triangles and pyramids have a multitude of magical meanings and uses. In order for multiple great civilizations around the world to have built various types of pyramids during their times, the universal understanding of pyramid symbolism had to be grounded in some basic, yet meaningful representation that all cultures lived by and understood.
The most common question we have when marveling at the sizes and ages of pyramids is, "What were they used for?" Tombs are what they commonly are known for, but recent discoveries have revealed that pyramids could have also had many other uses, from free energy generators to healing chambers to star gates.
Relegating pyramids and all of their perfect geometry to only being a monumental casket isn’t nearly giving them their due justice.
The shape of a pyramid represents the earth’s foundation at the bottom, and the pointed top represents the path to higher realms of consciousness.
The two dimensional view of a pyramid, the triangle, also has deep meaning in multiple cultures. Triangles are one of the the strongest shapes that we know of. The even distribution of weight on all three sides makes light work of any load put on them. With that being said, a triangle in any form represents strength.
What Does a Pyramid Represent?
All shapes have their own meanings and attributes. Where pyramid symbolism and the triangle stand alone is in the agreed upon interpretations of its meanings between different civilizations and cultures spanning great distances and time.
Sacred Geometry of the Pyramid
Most pyramids are sacred geometry shapes in some way. The architects used the principles of harmonic resonance in their creation. They maintained near perfect and accurate measurements, which created a seamless connection to Earth's harmonics and vibrations.
Furthermore, they used the same ratios that have been found in nature and the universe, specifically the golden ratio of phi (Φ=1.618033…), long before modern man discovered these natural numbers.
The Great Pyramid of Giza also has a very intentional connection to Orion and Sirius. The southern shaft from the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid was built to be directed towards the Orion Constellation that represents Osiris.
Also, from the Queen's Chamber (which happens to have triangle-shaped doorways), the southern shaft is aligned with Sirius, the brightest star in the sky. Thus, it was used to represent God.
The Powers of the Earth
Egyptian pyramids were build mostly of limestone and crystals that vibrate at the same frequency as Earth, due to what’s called the piezoelectric effect. If nothing else, the pyramids represent the mystical, yet simple powers of the Earth.
Every material and equation used in pyramid building is easily found in nature or in the heavens. For those with open eyes, this is a clear sign that all we need to succeed in this life is here on Earth with us, translated by pyramid symbolism and freely available for our use.
Quite possibly one of the most interesting theories about the Great Pyramid is that it was built not by slave labor, but by skilled high-level craftsmen using principles of resonance and sound to neutralize Earth's gravity and float and move the massive blocks by vibration.
This phenomenon has many examples that we can observe in nature today, most notably in the flight of the bee. The wings of a bee are far too small for it to create lift for its much larger body to fly, as birds do. It has been proven that bees don’t “fly” in the traditional sense of the word. Bees actually levitate by beating their wings back and forth, not up and down, to match their frequency of vibration, which lifts them into the air.
The Trinity
Another significant piece of pyramid symbolism that we should mention is the concept of the trinity. All throughout history, in every religion and spiritual practice, the trinity and the number three have been an important representation of pyramid symbolism.
The trinity of life, death, and rebirth is often linked with pyramids for those who believe they were build as burial chambers and assisted in the deceased spirits in their travels to the afterlife. Mind, body, and spirit, along with past, present, and future are a few other notable trinities.
Final Thoughts
According to most historians, pyramids were only designed to give Egypt’s rulers a burial place that matched their grandiose stature in life.
As with all great things, the idea of using pyramids to commemorate a burial site was eventually adopted by many after its popularity spread around the world. So, truthfully speaking, some smaller pyramids were only huge triangles built for decorative purposes, not sacred geometry pyramids.
But that doesn’t in any way diminish the wealth of information coded into pyramid symbolism and the feat of building the largest and most significant pyramids.
Not every pyramid still standing today is a possible star gate or energy generator. Even so, everything happens for a reason, and the science of the pyramids’ powers were revealed to us through the construction of the pyramids for us to use, so let’s not let the free knowledge go to waste.
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