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Feng Shui Numbers: What They Mean & Which Ones Are Lucky?
INSIDE: When we hear the term Feng Shui, we think of elements such as water and fire and specific colors that can bring balance to your home when used correctly. But, have you ever considered Feng Shui numbers to bring balance to your sacred spaces and life?
In Chinese culture, numbers are deeply taken into consideration in many aspects of life. Some numbers are considered more favorable than others, such as the number 1 and 8. Whereas, other numbers are avoided as much as possible, such as the number 4.
Comically, the luckiest and unluckiest numbers of Feng Shui are chosen based on the way they sound when spoken in certain Chinese dialects.
When it comes to creating Feng Shui in your home or sacred space, it's about balancing different earthly elements such as wood, fire, water, earth, and metal, as well as yin and yang. The Bagua map is an important tool used in Feng Shui to divide a space into 9 zones, each relating to a certain theme, direction, element, number, and object.
Let's learn the significance of Feng Shui numbers and the meaning behind each of the numbers 1-9.
Why Are Numbers Significant in Feng Shui?
In Chinese Feng Shui, each number has a specific and symbolic meaning. Therefore, the Chinese believe numbers have certain meaning that can affect people and events.
Why Are Certain Numbers Lucky in Feng Shui?
Traditionally, much of the luck and meaning behind numbers in Feng Shui is based on how they sound when the numbers are pronounced.
Other numbers, such as the number 8, are admired because of the shape they display.
Also, considering the numbers 1-9 associate with certain themes, directions, items, and colors, some numbers have more significance over others when seeking things like good fortune or wealth.
Which Numbers Are Considered Unlucky & Why?
Just like certain Feng Shui numbers are considered lucky due to the sound they portray as they are pronounced, other numbers are considered unlucky for the same reason.
For example, the number 4 is considered unlucky in Chinese Feng Shui because in certain Chinese dialects, the number 4 sounds similar to the word death. In Chinese culture, this comparison gives the number 4 an unfortunate negative connotation, however, other cultures may consider the Feng Shui number 4 to be lucky.
Other Feng Shui numbers such as 5 and 7 can also portray negative connotations depending on the perspective of these numbers.
Yin and Yang Numbers
The yin and yang of life are the equal and opposing forces of one another. There is yin and yang in everything, such as temperature, seasons, colors, and even numbers.
Feng Shui can be somewhat complicated, but when it comes to the yin and yang of numbers, the concept is simple. Odd numbers such as 1, 3, 5,7, and 9 are yang, whereas even numbers such as 2, 4, 6, and 8 represent yin.
The significance behind the yin and yang in Feng Shui numbers is that when one yin number is added to a yang number, there is balance and positive energy between the two.
These combinations can be relevant when picking out a home, a phone number, or anything else represented by the numbers 1-9.
Understanding Feng Shui Numbers
The numbers 1-9 play a significant role in Feng Shui. Each of these numbers denote a specific theme and represent different objects or things, and they pair with a certain direction and color.
Number 1
The number 1 is associated with the Northern direction and represents our career and life path on the Bagua map.
The Feng Shui number 1 is also representative of dark colors, such as black and navy blue as well as the element of water.
When creating Feng Shui in your home, place objects representative of the water element, such as a single turtle, frog, or aquarium, in the Northern region of your home. This single object placement is said to provide fresh, new beginnings in our career or personal life path.
Number 2
The number 2 represents love and partnerships in our lives and is associated with the Southwest direction on the Bagua map.
When seeking out new love or looking to strengthen your current relationship, place two earthly elements, such as beautiful Rose Quartz crystals, in the southwestern region of your home.
Number 3
The main themes associated with the number 3 are family, nutrition, and health. These themes carry a sense of rooting and grounding, which can explain why the number 3 also associates with the wood element and the color green.
Place 3 plants or portraits of your family in the Eastern region of your home to encourage good health and strengthen family relations.
Number 4
In terms of Feng Shui numbers, the number 4 carries a bad connotation to some, and to others, it brings good luck and fortune.
For those who speak Cantonese and other Chinese dialects, the enunciation of the number four sounds very similar to the word “death.” For this reason, the number four is avoided when naming the floors of a building or purchasing new homes that may carry the number 4.
To others, the number 4 represents good fortune when you consider it surrounds us and grounds us in all walks of life. There are four seasons in a year, four corners of this earth, four directions, and when building a solid foundation, there must be four points of contact with the ground to remain rooted.
When looking at the Bagua map in Feng Shui, ironically the number four represents wealth, abundance, and prosperity.
Number 5
The number 5 is associated with the five elements - Earth, Water, Metal, Wood, and Fire. On a Bagua map, the number 5 represents the heart and center of the home and the balancing of these elements.
To some, this number has a negative connotation as it represents radical change, but to others, it can represent a more positive perspective of adventure.
Number 6
The number 6 represents the northwest direction of the home and carries good fortune as it is a multiple of the number 2.
In Feng Shui, the number 6 represents helpful people, mentors, and international travel.
It also symbolizes the metal element. When looking to create Feng Shui in your home, place six metal objects, such as singing bowls or metallic art pieces in the northwestern region of your home to attract positive energy from mentors and teachers.
Number 7
The number 7 represents creativity, certainty, and the colors white, silver, and gold. This number is associated with the Western region of the home.
With representation of the metal element, place an item, such as wind chimes, on the western side of your home to increase creativity or personal growth in your life.
Number 8
The number 8 is one of the most auspicious Feng Shui numbers used as it sounds similar to the word ‘prosperity’ in Cantonese and its shape portrays the infinity symbol.
The number 8 associates with the earth element. When creating Feng Shui in your sacred space, place 8 tumbled stones in a bowl with healing properties that enhance abundance in aspects of life such as love, career, or wealth.
Number 9
Number 9, which is the opposite of the number 1 in Feng Shui numbers, represents the South. This number is intertwined with fame, opportunity, dreams, awards, and happiness.
With such powerful themes representing the number 9, it is no surprise that this number symbolizes the fire element.
In order to increase opportunity and happiness in your life, place items representative of fire in the southern region of your home, such as ascetically pleasing lights or candles.
Final Thoughts
Feng Shui is a powerful and practical practice that is used to restore balance back into our homes and personal lives. The art of Feng Shui involves balancing earthly elements, colors, objects, and even numbers, in order to gain or maintain certain themes in your life, such as prosperity or love.
Many of us are familiar with the concept of lucky and unlucky numbers but may be inexperienced when it comes to the traditional Chinese Feng Shui behind the numbers 1-9. Hopefully, this article provided you with some informative knowledge to consider.