* Crystals and stones should not be used as a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Please read our full disclosure notice here.

How to Cope During the Pandemic: 15 Ways Crystals Can Help
INSIDE: Wondering how to cope during the pandemic? Most of us are! Fortunately, nature has provided some of the best natural coping tools. Crystals can help us in so many ways.
Over the past year, our lives have forever changed in so many ways. Knowing how to cope during the pandemic certainly isn't easy.
In these challenging times, we need more hope and balance than ever before.
And we've turned to crystals to guide us through these difficult times, helping us feel better, handle stress, and focus on our specific goals or issues.
Vogue declared that “everyone from baby boomers to millennials and Gen Z emulate the behavior of ancient cultures seeking sources of strength and comfort in crystals as a purposeful shield for daily life.”
That's certainly true for us here at Cosmic Cuts.
These ancient stones keep us inspired, boosting financial and physical health too.
How to Cope During the Pandemic Using Crystals
We want to share with you 15 ways we've learned how to cope during the pandemic with the help of healing crystals and sacred stones...
Opals capture our imagination and hope, exhibiting rich, luminous and iridescent hues. In Ancient Rome, opals symbolized love and hope.
Due to its flashes of color, Opals contains the healing benefits of Garnet, Amethyst and Emerald. They not only balance our chakras, but they also improve our consciousness, health and our relationship with the world.
White Opal is a crown chakra crystal, helping us understand our place in the universe. This makes it the perfect stone to meditate with to boost our outlook and increase feelings of hope in difficult times.
Emotional Healing
Highly versatile, Clear Quartz brings light into our lives, drawing emotional pain away from the body. It also complements other healing crystals and gemstones, amplifying their effect.
While Cosmic Cuts stocks a wide range of stones that provide comfort and emotional healing, Clear Quartz is a great starting place.
Grief comes from loss. In this pandemic, many of us have lost loved ones, our livelihood, and/or our cherished routine. While grief occurs in many stages, crystals can help us navigate our feelings.
Our grief gemstone collection helps with grieving and bereavement, showing us how to cope during the pandemic. The collection includes Amethyst, Pink Rhodonite, Black Onyx, Lepidolite and Clear Quartz.
Awaken Us
During difficult times, we have a choice: we can succumb to depression or we can rise to the challenge, choosing to stay open to the energetic shifts happening around us. Some suggest the pandemic is ushering a new paradigm of spiritual awareness.
Crystals awaken our spirit and help us navigate through different aspects of awakening. Learn more about spiritual awakenings crystals here.
Boost Your Mood
With its gorgeous yellow hue, Citrine uplifts the spirit, supporting joy, vitality, warmth, and most of all, new beginnings.
Place Heated Citrine or Natural Citrine stone in your pocket, when feelings of inertia appear. This stone inspires, motivates, and supports creativity.
It makes a wonderful gift for friends and loved ones, elevating their mood. Citrine also helps us see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Finding and keeping motivation at optimal levels is challenging at the best of times. Motivation is essential to help us cope with the challenges that have come to pass as a result of the pandemic.
Crystals can motivate and empower us to change things for the better. Cosmic Cuts’ collection of motivating crystals will help you move forward, working with the chakra system to help achieve goals.
While health is always important, well-being needs to take center stage during the pandemic.
Bloodstone stimulates the immune system, warding off the cold and flu, infections, and inflammation. This stone will revitalize and re-energize the body after sickness, hospitalization or burnout. Bloodstone links to the body’s blood flow, neutralizing toxins and stimulating the lymphatic system.
There are many health and wellness crystals that can nurture our health during this time.
Inner Strength
Agate works to increase our inner strength in difficult times. This stone connects us with strength and courage. It stabilizes emotions and supports physical energy.
It is perfect for use during the pandemic, because it offers support when we need a bit more control in our lives. It comes in a variety of soft and alluring bands of color.
Spread Love
Rose Quartz spreads love during challenging times, helping us balance our emotions and increasing feelings of empathy and compassion.
Not only will it increase our compassion, it also boosts love between partners, friends and family members. It nurtures the mind, body, and soul with its gentle, loving energy.
Relieve Your Pain
In pandemic times, we may be more susceptible to emotional pain, which often manifests as physical pain, joint stiffness, and muscular discomfort.
Pain relief stones help to relieve aches and symptoms, bringing balance to the body, mind and spirit. These simple, yet effective stones teach us how to cope during the pandemic, offering an alternative pain management solution to traditional medicine.
Reduce Negative Energy and Emotions
Black Tourmaline is one of the most powerful blockers of negativity, offering mental, emotional, and spiritual protection. It transforms negative energy into positive energy.
It is one of the most widely used crystals, showing us not only how to cope during the pandemic, but also to adapt and thrive in the most challenging of situations.
Relieve Stress
It can be difficult to relieve stress, but Lepidolite shows us how to cope during the pandemic, bringing feelings of calm and peace. It defuses frenetic and heavy energy, helping us achieve balance and stability.
Lepiodolite contains rare lithium-rich mica mineral in shades of purple. Interestingly, lithium carbonate is a traditional treatment for manic depression, though scientists do not fully understand its effects on the brain.
In these challenging times, many of us have lost our jobs or have experienced a reduction in income.
Green Jade supports our financial health, helping dissolve limiting beliefs that tell us we aren't worthy enough to achieve financial security. Jade boosts our long-term goals, allowing us to focus our energies. It is synonymous with prosperity throughout the world.
While some of us may turn to alcohol or drugs as a poor coping mechanism, sobriety crystals teach us how to cope during the pandemic, reducing unhealthy habits and addictions.
Cosmic Cuts offers a wide range of Sobriety Stones to fend off cravings and overcome setbacks on the road to recovery.
Amethyst inspires creativity with its deep purple hue. It helps us tap into our intuition, allowing us to express our ideas and build a meaningful connection with our spirituality.
This purple stone also helps us trust ourselves with the creative process so that we can create the lives we desire no matter what is going on around us.
Final Thoughts
While some of us may not know how to cope during the pandemic or where to start, crystals and stones offer a simple, yet effective tool to help us realign our chakras and balance our energy.
From tumbled stones to gorgeous geodes, Cosmic Cuts’ collection makes a thoughtful gift for friends, loved ones, or a much needed self-care gift for yourself.