Second House in Astrology
Second House in Astrology: Your Guide to Understanding Your Finances

The Second House in Astrology is where we look when we hope to find more clarity and understanding about our finances. This is the house of material positions, and wealth, and it can tell us a lot about what we are focused on when it comes to physical reality. Let’s see what all this means in a natal chart...

Feng Shui Living Room
Feng Shui Living Room Do’s & Don’ts

A feng shui living room is a place that encourages sharing, cultivates peace, and invites positive vibrations our way. When the living room is designed and decorated in a way that helps generate positive chi, it becomes a harmonious place we can enjoy sharing with others. Let's discover how feng shui principles can transform your living room and your life…

How to Expand Your Consciousness
How to Expand Your Consciousness: 12 Tips You Can Try Right Now

A desire to expand your consciousness is a desire to live a more mindful, and more fulfilling life. Let’s find out how you can actively elevate your mind in little, powerful, and effective ways every day...

Crystals for Relaxation
12 Crystals for Relaxation: Calm Your Body & Mind Naturally

Crystals for relaxation help us achieve peace and calmness. With their healing properties, they work to eliminate stress, irritation, and anxiety and to heal our deeply felt wounds from the past. Let's learn about our favorite ones!

Black Tourmaline Healing Properties
Black Tourmaline Healing Properties for Grounding, Protection & Detoxification

Black Tourmaline healing properties provide the ultimate protection against negative energies, environments, thoughts, and habits. This stone is your protective shield against the dark encounters of life, transforming the negative energies you encounter into positive outcomes through its electric power.

First House in Astrology
Understanding the First House in Astrology: Your Complete Guide

The first house in astrology is the point where your natal chart starts to spin. A house of the self, the physical body, and our character, it represents the basic self - who you are effortlessly and authentically. Let’s dive into the meaning and symbolism of it now...

How to Handle Stress as a College Student
How to Handle Stress as a College Student

College students certainly have their fair share of stresses to navigate, but with the right guidance, they can thrive. Here are 6 tips to help you handle it all with more ease.

Manifestation Rituals
10 Manifestation Rituals: Start Creating the Life of Your Dreams

One of the quickest ways to manifest your greatest desires is by taking habitual action that aligns with your manifestations on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Here are 10 manifestation rituals you can adopt today to bring you closer to your deepest desires quickly.