Crystal Locations Around the World

6 Major Crystal Locations Around the World

INSIDE: If you love gemstones, maybe they will lead you on your next journey to a far away place. Here are 6 of the major crystal locations in the world to guide you.


Gemstones possess multiple purposes since they are not only precious items, but they also bear spiritual and sentimental value. Many of them reveal unusual stories hidden in the past.

People have used crystals as a form of payment, ladies intensify their beauty using various gemstones, and many people collect crystals for scientific interest due to different geological conditions. People may even bring jewels home as a reminder of their journeys.

What if the crystal locations become the specific destination for your next journey? Let's discover where you can find certain gemstones in the world and see where it leads you!

6 Major Crystal Locations to Check Out

Gemstones sources are located all over the world, though there are some specific places with higher quality deposits. Many countries are renowned for unique exemplars and gemstone sources that cannot be found anywhere else.

North America

Many states represent a wide range of crystal locations, along with a long history of their mining. There is a difference in purposes as well since Native American gemstones were used both in spiritual practices and for trading or crafting.

Currently, the bulk of the natural gemstones that can be found in the United States are being produced in Arizona, California, Nevada, Colorado, Arkansas, Idaho, Utah, and Maine.

Other states are famous for specific gemstones:

  • Montana - Sapphire
  • North Carolina - Sapphire, Emerald, Ruby
  • Oregon - Sunstone
  • Tennessee - Pearl

One can discover even more details via virtual tours in museums or by reviewing a detailed map of the gemological treasures in the USA.

Canada is also famous for its gemstone variety. Even though the most popular jewels, such as Diamonds and Emeralds are quite scarce in Canada, this country has locations of Jasper, Quartz, Agate, and many other unusual gemstones, such as Ammolite.

Amethyst Geodes

South America

Colombia is a worldwide-known source of extremely fine and the most prized Emeralds. It probably had its impact on the legend of El Dorado as the myth about the city of gold did include the description of items made of Emeralds.

Nowadays, almost half of the exported emeralds, are destined for the NAFTA region. According to Statista, its share was 20.65 million U.S. dollars out of 43 million in 2020.

Speaking of the abundance of treasures, Brazil is considered a paradise for gemstone seekers since almost any popular jewel has a source there. Here's the list of the most popular ones:


The sources of gemstones in Europe are not as large as the ones in South America but there are quite a few crystal locations that are worthy of attention.

Some varieties of gemstones are of significantly better quality than the ones found on the other continents. Poland is the home to the best quality Amber deposits in the world and that's just one example of why European gemstones are valuable.

Here are some others:

  • Czechoslovakia - Moldavite
  • Poland - Amber
  • United KingdomFluorite
  • Finland - Spectrolite
  • Norway - Thulite
  • Spain - Agate, Quartz

Brazil Gemstone Location


Asia’s gemstone industry is vast and diverse, and it is the home to a variety of high-quality specimens.

Many countries are still developing their rich supply of gemstones, which opens up a good opportunity for entrepreneurs and investors seeking a new profitable business. Conquering an entirely new market, especially such a specific one, will require an expert to translate all relevant documents. Whether one wants to visit Thailand or China, Is Accurate provides certified translations of required documents.

According to GemRockAuctions, opportunities are countless:

  • Myanmar - Jade, Danburite, Kornerupine, Lapis Lazuli, Topaz, Phenakite, Opal, Spessartine, Spinel, Turquoise
  • China - Jade, Agate, Opal, Amber, Nephrite, Garnet, Diamond, Cinnabar, Corundum, Peridot
  • Vietnam - Feldspar, Beryl, Topaz, Zircon, Spinel, Sapphire, Ruby
  • Afghanistan - Aquamarine, Amethyst, Emerald, Spodumene, Topaz, Ruby, Tourmaline
  • Cambodia - Ruby, Zircon, Sapphire
  • India - Alexandrite, Beryl, Chrysoberyl, Diamond, Emerald, Grossular, Pyrope, Rose Quartz, Topaz, Sillimanite, Sapphire, Ruby, Zircon, Kyanite, Feldspar, Almandine
  • Sri Lanka - Opal, Zircon, Peridot, Sapphire, Spinel, Sphene, Scapolite, Topaz, Turquoise, Quartz, Alexandrite, Beryl, Kornerupine
  • Thailand - Ruby, Spinel, Sapphire
  • Laos - Spinel, Sapphire, Ruby
  • Nepal - Ruby, Sapphire
  • Pakistan - Andradite, Beryl, Lapis Lazuli, Emerald, Topaz, Turquoise, Zoisite, Apatite, Sapphire


Many people are aware that Africa is one of the major crystal locations, especially as a source of diamonds. And its role is set increase even more since Russia has been losing its position in the market since 2022.

Predictions and analytics also show that the manufacturing of colored stones in Africa is increasing to compete with South American and Asian markets. The gemstone-rich region on the continent is called the Neoproterozoic Mozambique Belt

This crystal location includes:

  • Madagascar - Sapphire, Ruby, Citrine, Apatite, Chrysoberyl, Kyanite
  • Tanzania - Spinel, Aquamarine, Garnet, Zircon, Tourmaline, Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald, Tanzanite
  • Mozambique - Spessartite Garnet, Paraiba Tourmaline, Ruby
  • Namibia - Spessartite Garnet
  • Nigeria - Topaz, Sapphire, Tourmaline, Aquamarine

While the majority of gemstones can be found on the other continents and vary in quality and quantity, there is one gemstone that can only be found in one specific place in Africa, and that is Tanzanite. 

Tanzanite is one of the rarest and thus exclusive gems in the world. Due to its short supply, high quality, and amazing blue color, it would be a point of pride for any gem collector.

Gemstone Collections


This continent not only contains unique and stunning nature but also an abundance of gemstones and various other minerals.

It is highly recommended to include Australia in your traveling plans since you will be able to not only buy Australian gemstone jewelry but also participate in an expedition to gather your collection personally. You may consider collecting raw gemstones or even polishing them yourself.

Some of the most widespread Australian gemstones are as follows:

  • Diamond
  • Opal
  • Pearl
  • Sapphire
  • Ruby
  • Garnet
  • Chrysoprase
  • Jade

Final Thoughts

Consider visiting various crystal locations around the world to have an unusual experience away from regular tourist travel areas. You'll create unique memories to share with your friends while gathering a decent collection to add even more value to your stories.

Maybe it's time to create a new legend? Just imagine the stories that could be linked to the most prized items in your collection!

Treating crystal locations as a business opportunity is a good idea as well. This business continues to discover new opportunities and people are not losing their interest in precious items. Who knows, maybe you'll be the one to discover a new unique type of gemstone?

Read our Gemstone Buyers Guide to better understand your investment opportunity.

How to Choose a Crystal

Author Bio 

Eric Wyatt is a marketing professional and travel blogger. He writes about new trends, educational information, and skills required in the modern digitalized world. Eric considers collecting knowledge for emerging and trending professions the priority as it is the thing that can change the world.

* Crystals and stones should not be used as a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Please read our full disclosure notice here. 


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