8 Feng Shui Symbols & How to Use Them to Improve Your Life
Creating a space that helps us thrive, succeed, and prosper is simple when we listen to ancient tradition. While the process of bringing order and flow into the home may seem complex, when we let Feng Shui symbols take a place, we discover rich, nourishing energy in abundance.

How to Feel Crystal Energy: 6 Tips for Tuning Into Healing Stones
Crystals have much more than just pretty rock faces covered in gorgeous jewel tones and intricate crystalline patterns. Deep within every unearthed stone rests a vibrational center constantly emitting healing energy to the world. Learning how to feel crystal energy allows us to access and use these amazing tools in our own holistic wellbeing practices.

Mars in Signs: Are You Ready to Meet The Warrior Within
Mars is a fiery planet that wants to conquer all. After all, it is the biggest warrior in astrology, the confident, active, and driven planet that propels us to move and fight for what we want. However, when we look at Mars in signs, it is expressed in 12 different ways and has many, many layers to it.

5 Space Clearing Rituals to Balance Your Energy & Manifest Your Dreams
If you want to invite new adventures and greater abundance into your life, you need to make sure you have room! Space clearing rituals ensure that you rid yourself of cluttered energy and material things to make room for what you want.