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13 Signs of Negative Energy in a House: Is It Time to Cleanse Your Home?
INSIDE: If home is where the heart is, are we giving it the care and attention it needs to help keep us healthy? Learn about the signs of negative energy in a house so that you know when to purify it.
It takes work to build a home, a space away from the outside world where you feel safe and can go to recharge your emotional batteries. A home is meant to be a sanctuary and place of rest. If that’s not how it feels, it's time to look for signs of negative energy in a house.
When you recognize negative energy in your home, you can take action to bring in positivity and light to cleanse and transform your space.
13 Signs of Negative Energy in a House
If something has been feeling off in your life for a while and you can’t seem to sort out why, it might be that negative energy is deeply embedded in your home.
Let's learn how to detect negative energy in a house so you can get back to living at home-sweet-home...
Lots of Clutter
Consider your body. What happens inside can affect the outside and vice versa. If you feel sad or angry, your skin reflects that feeling with rashes or pale tones. If you eat unhealthy food and don't exercise, your mood struggles to feel positive.
Our homes are similar, reacting to what happens inside and outside. When things start to pile up at home, actual things and not just emotions, take it as a sign that something negative is lurking.
Maybe objects are getting misplaced or broken more often than not. Perhaps layers of dust and grime start to build up because you're too overloaded to tend to your home.
There’s also an opposing view when places in the home that are usually filled with vibrancy become empty and forgotten, like those empty flower vases you used to arrange clippings in each week.
Foul Smells
Since clutter can be a sign of negative energy in a house and it makes it difficult to keep the area clean, it can lead to foul smells lingering in the house.
However, negative energy doesn’t have to find clutter to stink. Negative, stuck energy often gives off a musty or damp smell that no one wants hanging around.
A home with positive energy smells fresh and natural, while a house full of negative energy can be abrasive to the nose.
You’re Having a Lot of Arguments There
This particular situation feeds into a vicious cycle. Arguments can create negative energy, but negative energy can also beget arguments.
If you notice that you have more arguments at home, whether with others living with you or while you're on the phone, it's a sign of negative energy in a house.
It doesn’t matter what brought the arguments inside, that stress and tension belongs outside of the home. A healthy house has strong boundaries to keep out arguments and bad feelings. When your fortress is weakened, the battles pour in.
You’re Having Nightmares or Insomnia
Look to your sleep patterns for how to detect negative energy in a house.
Just like meditation is a time for our minds to slow down and rest, sleep does that for the body, mind, and spirit. If your sleep is broken by insomnia or nightmares, it's no longer a time of rejuvenation.
When sleep becomes something you dread, you're surrounded by negative energy, even in your bedroom.
You’re Struggling Financially
We mentioned clutter earlier but empty spaces that once were flourishing can be just as problematic as they are energetic indicators of financial struggles.
The negative energy in a house has put a block on abundance. You no longer find inspiration and sanctuary at home any more, so you can’t expect to prosper and find success outside of it either.
You’re Having Trouble Thinking Positively There
Another one of those cyclical signs of negative energy in a house is your inability to think positively when you're there.
If negative energy permeates the atmosphere of your house, then it's constantly invading your thoughts. You literally breathe in the negativity, filling your lungs and blood circulation with negativity that goes straight to your brain.
You Feel Tired in Your House
It’s okay to come home tired, but when home makes you tired, there’s a problem. If you never feel awakened and recharged after spending time at home, this is a sign of negative energy in a house.
It’s even more serious if you feel recharged outside of the house and coming home exhausts you or puts you in a bad mood.
You See Dark Shadows in Your Peripheral Vision
Dark shadows and strange dark pockets in usually-lit places can indicate a dark entity or spirit residing at home with you.
Whether you believe in metaphysical phenomena or not, negativity in your house will produce dark areas that only light can cleanse and revive.
There’s a Lot of Stress in the Home
You need to be able to leave stress at the front door, or maybe even on the lawn, before you pass over the threshold. Reacting and panicking to small things at home are signs of negative energy in a house.
The inability to let go of stress can be a personal area of growth that you need to tend to, but it can also come from negative energy in a home. Always feeling on edge at home means there’s something lurking there that’s causing you worry.
Miscommunications Often Happen There
A home with positive energy emanates love, harmony, and understanding. When anger boils over between everyone at home, undoubtedly there is negative energy inside.
As signs of negative energy in a house, arguments also fit into the negativity loop. Miscommunication that is handled with anger and negative emotion rather than peace and patience can produce negative energy. Negative energy can also produce arguments.
Having Difficulty Relaxing There
An important aspect of a relaxing home is the ability to do just that – relax. If you feel like you constantly have work to do on your home or the chores just pile up, these are signs of negative energy in a house.
It probably indicates that you are also not prioritizing your home and giving it the timely care it needs. How can you expect a home to nourish and protect you if you don’t reciprocate? That’s how negative energy can build up.
Feeling Unmotivated or Unable to Focus in the House
When home becomes mundane, there's negative energy at work. Your house should help you find focus and energy to do things, even at home.
It isn’t just a place to sleep, so when you notice that things are just dull at home, start addressing the negativity.
A Lack of Passion or Inspiration in the Space
We often explore our passions at home – whether in our relationships or our work. When home becomes a place where we just want to do nothing at all, it isn’t a good sign.
Some signs of negative energy in a house can be seen in the things you keep. If you amass material goods that don’t make you feel inspired and happy, then you are allowing negative energy to pass between you and the objects. That negative energy then fills the space.
Final Thoughts
These signs of negative energy in a house should be your wake up call to breathe new life and positivity into the space.
If you let negative energy take over your house, you might start to see even more dangerous signs of negativity. Your house may become physically infested with pests or start needing serious repairs to things that should be in working order.
Luckily, there are so many ways to cleanse your space, including smudging, ventilating, decluttering, feng shui, and crystal healing, to name a few.
When you start to feel positive energy take negativity’s place, you'll experience the effects of a happy home on your everyday living.
We should all examine ourselves and our lives daily.
We will always find a way to improve what was discovered.
Cleansing on all levels is essential.✅
Hi Jennifer, great question! Here are some articles we have written to help we removing negative energy:
So how do we get rid of this negative energy? What’s the best approach?
I feel all sorts of negativity in my apartment. Every thing mentioned in this post is what I’m going through. No peace, no quiet, no rest. No one is happy in my home. I’m always angry and want everyone to leave me alone.
Wow! This all made sense as to why I was never comfortable in my last apartment I was so ready to move out of there I hated going there. The negative energy was so thick in there most days I sat and cried cause I was still there and didn’t even want to go any where but to work cause I knew I had to go there so I can pay my bills. I was so glad when it was moving day from that apartment I didn’t know what to do however I knew where a lot of the negative energy came from my ex husband I let him stay there for 2 months his whole life is negative and I knew that he was transferring those negative energies in my house I was being nice and let him stay there. Once he left things got so bad and the energy was so bad in there I slept in the living room for 4 months cause I couldn’t go back to that room and get in that bed even in my new house I don’t sleep in the bed I still sleep in the living room before he came I lived my apartment and sleeping in my bed I believe it’s time to get a new bed and throw that one out.
This is so on point! I could not believe how accurate it is! Thanks for sharing this is so helpful when you’re not able to figure out what’s going on.Clarity and a starting point to deal with each thing one at a time!🌹🙏