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Green Crystals: 10 Stones for Love, Growth & Healing
INSIDE: Green crystals are endearing and delightful, providing potent healing and loving energies. Perfect for love, friendship, growth, and wealth, they do it all!
Taking care of our emotional body is of vital importance, and it's deeply linked to our physical health.
It's no wonder that heart problems are the number one health issue in the USA, as published in Life Line Screening. Everything we feel reflects on our body and directly affects the quality of our life.
Although we go through a lot, fortunately, there are ways to minimize the impact of the life we are living on our emotional and cardinal health.
Crystals can help us healthily sit with our emotions. The following content will cover everything you need to know about green crystals and what makes them so healing.
The Symbolism of Green Crystals
Similar to the time we spend in nature, the color green can heal our minds and has a regenerative effect. This is a nurturing color, connected to nature and peace.
Like the soil, it is also linked to fertility and growth. It is a refreshing color that is known to bring good luck and good health, and it is often connected to expansion and flourishment.
Green symbolizes anything that is nourishing for the mind, body, and soul. In crystal therapy, these stones resonate with the Heart Chakra.
This is also a color of regeneration, which is why it has been used as a symbol of money and abundance throughout history.
What Makes Green Crystals So Healing?
There is no better way to open ourselves to love than by carrying one of these green beauties around with us.
Heart Chakra Healing
Since they work directly with the Heart Chakra, they unlock the potential for compassion, empathy and prepare us for receiving loving energies.
Their power inspires us to grow as people, so we can reach our full potential. This inspires us to be more receptive to our surroundings and the people we encounter but it also helps us establish healthy boundaries.
Growth, Intuition & Healing of the Past
Green gemstones make us feel fresh and dandy, creating space for internal expansion.
Their energy is gentle, yet powerful. Because of that, they help us embrace ways of being that are in tune with our true nature.
They work as catalysts and connect us with intuition, teaching us to listen to and trust our gut. Since they support authentic expression, they bring us back to our inner child, helping him or her to heal.
As a result, we are much more open to positive experiences and we are less afraid of what life brings. These stones not only help heal past issues but also assist us in finding happiness in everyday moments.
High-Vibrational Healing
Green gemstones are directly connected to our heart space and can access any emotion stored in the chest area.
By acting as therapy stones for mood disorders and depression, they help us overcome heavy feelings, and replace them with joy. Because they carry such high-vibrating energy, they can heal our emotional bodies and unbound us from toxic patterns.
Love & Friendship
They are crystals of unconditional love, and this makes them incredibly beneficial for anyone who has experienced loss, disappointment, or suffering in life.
As they bring us closer to universal love, we become more open to receiving loving energy. These crystals protect our heart, so we can safely let our walls down. They do so not only on an emotional and spiritual plane but on the physical as well.
All of this makes green stones incredibly powerful when we are trying to manifest love and friendship. When we manifest from an open heart and healthy emotional space, we can attract loving partners and friends who are part of our soul tribe.
Fertility & Heart Health
Because of this loving energy and connectedness with nature, crystals of this sort are great for increasing fertility as well.
They are rejuvenating and exceptional for improving cardiovascular health.
Wealth & Career
Being crystals for abundance, they help us attract more wealth and money, so we can prosper in our careers. When we do what we love and are living authentically and from the heart, we will find that these things come to us naturally.
How to Choose the Right One For You?
When looking for the right crystal of this sort, it is important to follow your feelings. Those that are the best for you will make you feel safe and relaxed.
Here are some green crystals you can start carrying on your healing journey...
Emerald brings us back to nature even when we have lost touch with it. It renews our energy and provides healing for the broken heart.
When we successfully work through fears and negative patterns, we can find unconditional love. This is one of the green crystals and stones that inspires self-compassion but also teaches us to open our hearts to others.
All of that sets a perfect stage for healthy relationships and cooperation. When we operate from such a receptive space, we can manifest true abundance and prosperity.
When anxiety and depressive feelings get ahold of us, reaching for Chrysocolla can help us feel safe and calm.
This green crystal makes us feel less alone. It brings more love and compassion into our lives and helps us find a sense of belonging.
Its energy is both soothing and stimulating, which helps us let go of negative emotions and hostility and realize how strong and powerful we are.
Chrysocolla inspires immense creativity, while still helping us maintain clarity of mind. All of this creates healthy emotional outlets and brings us greater peace and stability.
Hiddenite is helpful to anyone who has lost hope and feels blocked off or overwhelmed by their emotions. Because it cleanses our aura from lingering feelings, it creates space for attracting new loving connections in our lives.
It restores faith and soothes our soul when we feel like better days will never come.
This is a stone of true love and it can serve as a powerful amulet for attracting soulmates. As a result, we can feel unbound from anything that doesn’t serve us, be it grief and sorrow, or addiction to people or substances.
Green Jade
Green Jade is a calming, comforting stone that keeps us safe from ill intentions and energy. It helps us see through others but also nourish our existing relationships.
It encourages trust and faithfulness and helps us release anything or anyone that isn’t good for us.
Green Jade healing properties bring love into our lives, no matter how old or tired we feel. It gives us the mental and emotional strength needed to heal, and through self-love, it reminds us of what it’s like to be unapologetically ourselves.
Green Jasper
This green crystal heals the broken spirit and gives us the strength to move forward and move on.
It gives us the determination to live in accordance with our inner laws. This way, it helps us gain greater control over our mind and emotions, without feeling constrained. Instead, it reminds us of what being free feels like.
Green Jasper is also an incredibly fertile stone and is known to be a great energetic support during pregnancy. It keeps us safe from harmful energies, so we can fall asleep knowing we are safe and supported on our journey.
Unakite Jasper
Another one of our favorite green crystals for healing is Unakite Jasper, a stone of relationships. Because it helps balance our emotional being and heal the heart, it enriches our lives with relationships that cherish us.
Unakite Jasper has the power to heal our inner child, cleanse, and seal soul wounds. It regenerates us at the soul level, creating more space for love to enter our lives.
Its energy harmonizes all interpersonal connections, bringing us more joy and peace from interactions with others.
Green Quartz
Acting as a sort of energetic vitamin, Green Quartz restores the balance in our emotional body. No matter if it’s heartbreak, loss, or disappointment that weighs on us, its energy helps soothe the pain and heal wounds.
As a result, we feel a sense of wholeness, and this naturally draws to us more loving, healing vibrations. Green Quartz is also a stone of wealth, helping us easily attract money and prosperity.
Serpentine is a Kundalini awakening green crystal that works to enlighten us. Because it helps us embrace our psychic abilities, we can be more in tune with our intuition and trust it to guide us.
Serpentine is a stone that promotes peace but also helps manifest prosperity. By blocking malicious energy, it creates space for healthy boundaries and emotional wellbeing.
Once our aura is cleansed and protected, Serpentine can also help attract true love into our lives.
Great for reproductive health, Bloodstone supports fertility and growth. It balances our emotions and helps us feel our feelings, rather than internalize them.
Because its energy is so invigorating, carrying it can make us feel alive and capable. We feel strong and emotionally balanced, able to trust our gut.
Thanks to its power, we become open to receiving unconditional love, and as a result we feel more loved and nurtured.
Green Aventurine
Green Aventurine is a stone for good luck and matters of the heart. It can be used to ease away limiting beliefs and negative patterns so that you can open up to abundance, creativity, and love.
It supports us in our endeavors for personal growth and positivity. By keeping its energy with you, you just might find an avalanche of new opportunities coming your way.
Final Thoughts About Green Stones
The nurturing and healing energies of these green crystals and stones are some of the most beneficial for us as they work to balance the heart chakra and heal the emotions. Which green beauty will you call your own?