Major Astrology Predictions for the World at the End of 2022
INSIDE: By looking to the stars, we can gain some insights into what we have in store for us in the second half of this year. Let's discover the main astrology predictions for 2022.
For thousands of years, people have been looking up in the sky, trying to find the answers to a variety of questions, and with good reason. Astrology uses the disposition of planets and other celestial bodies to give insight into the trends of life in general. These aspects influence us all, including those who have an impact on global affairs.
In 2022, Neptune and Jupiter will be in conjunction in Pisces. What does this mean for the world?
Looking Back to 2020 & 2021
Let’s briefly review the astrological predictions for 2020 and 2021so that we can understand the predictions for this year. No one can forget this period of collective change, turmoil, and global challenges that we have gone through.
But what did astrologists say about those years?
They reported significant and rare alignments of planets, such as the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, a rare conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, and so on.
As a result, 2020 was predicted to be a time of upheaval, while 2021 was considered an opportunity to find stability in the rapidly changing world.
2022 Predictions
As for 2022, the trends of expansion, abundance, and liberation associated with Jupiter will be intensified by its transition into Pisces. Restrictions will continue be removed, and while this challenging period will continue, there will be more open and joyful energy.
Those who learn about numerology and astrology already know that everything is connected and that this massive energy shift may lead to both revealing the tensions and creating additional problems if everything goes out of control.
Given the shift and trends, we can expect the following to happen during 2022:
A return of the pandemic is not expected, even though its repercussions will still be high. Global trends of expansion and liberation may lead people to reckless behavior, and they may care less about their health and necessary precautions.
Fortunately, Neptune’s influence may mitigate these negative effects since this planet is responsible for helping us better ourselves using spiritual powers and intuition. Its conjunction with Jupiter may help prevent people from losing their minds.
According to Yahoo! Finance, 2022 may bring some relief from the effects of the pandemic. Though the start of this year with Venus retrograde in Capricorn meant that the areas of finances and careers have been affected, Jupiter’s influence and the massive energy shift may either open multiple opportunities or intensify the economic difficulties that people and the entire world are facing right now.
Astrologists say that 2022 is the best time to consider whether radical changes are required to improve your financial situation.
Since Pisces is a water sign and it is also ruled by Neptune in 2022, we may expect the world communities' focus on dealing with water supply shortage, hunger problems, and climate change.
World Order
Rapid social changes are expected during the second half of the year, and potential civil unrest and uncertainty are more than possible. Again, this is caused by the global trends of liberation and expansion, which may be taken to the extreme.
At the same time, this is an opportunity to reflect and draw attention to things that need to be changed from a global perspective.
Jupiter intensifies creative and spiritual aspects of our lives, and when people all around the world are feeling these vibes, the art starts to boom. We can expect new masterpieces and new voices as creative people all over the world will be filled with courage and passion.
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A Time of Transformation & Rebirth
There is one astrological event that can influence all major spheres of life of the entire world: Pluto, the small but powerful planet in terms of astrological impact, will finish its 246-year trip around the zodiac.
This is a rare event and the United States will experience Pluto's return for the second time in its history since 1776. This is a major milestone for the country as Pluto is the planet associated with transformation and rebirth.
Changes that the Americans may experience in their social and political life will influence the global society as well due its leading geopolitical and cultural role on the global scale.
An Opening for Empathy & Compassion
Given the liberation and openness trends caused by the transition of Jupiter in Pisces, people can expect the expansion of empathy and compassion in terms of their emotional state. We will have the opportunity to demonstrate support and care.
Given the tensions and overwhelming destructive feelings that have plagued the world for the past two years, the planets’ disposition finally coincides with many people’s longings for growth and, metaphorically speaking, rising from the ashes.
This is the result of the close conjunction of Pluto and of Venus, the planet of personal values and relationships. In 2022, the conjunction of these planets unlocks the potential for both personal and collective mental rebuilding.
It is time to think about one’s desires, values, and self-worth and to look at how to fix everything that should be fixed. From the astrological point of view, 2022 is a perfect time for these changes and they have positive potential.
Personal well-being includes physical aspects as well. Global healthcare trends and astrological predictions are quite promising, but one should remember that risks are still present. The pandemic is close to its end but it is not over just yet.
Considering one’s health a priority under these circumstances would be a perfect embodiment of the general healing and rebirth trend of 2022.
Final Thoughts
Some people poo-poo astrology, claiming that vague predictions have no value and that the planets’ location doesn't have a proven effect on our lives. But they overlook one important element in all these predictions: the human factor.
Even simple awareness about the general trend may motivate people to act and change their lives for the better. And vice versa. When a person doesn’t want to do something, such as obtaining a new profession, nothing will force him or her to change. Even the most precise analytical predictions that operate numbers and demonstrate the growing demand for that job won’t change that.
This is why astrology is important. It gives us hope.
Author Bio
Eric Wyatt works in the content marketing sphere and currently dedicates a significant part of his free time to writing a book. He believes that technology can bring people closer, and it is actually doing that. Eric wants to convince people to avoid negative trends of globalization, maintain their unique identities, and protect cultural heritage since AI-powered translation tools can help mitigate all differences.
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