Create Your Own Amethyst Healing Spa: 12 Tips, Rituals & Healing Practices
Create Your Own Amethyst Healing Spa: 12 Tips, Rituals & Healing Practices

Reduce stress and pamper yourself by creating your own amethyst healing spa. Use these tips, rituals, and healing practices for your at-home spa experience.

Magical Properties of Amethyst
Unraveling the Magical Properties of Amethyst

Learn how to use the magical properties of Amethyst in your life to make changes and live the life you desire. Discover why Amethyst has magical powers and the many different rituals that bring that magic forward.

Spiritual Meaning of Amethyst
What is the Spiritual Meaning of Amethyst?

The Spiritual meaning of Amethyst is one that is full of opportunity and magic. By understanding the spiritual properties of Amethyst, you can learn how to use it to improve your spiritual life and feel more in touch with the Divine.

Amethyst Birthstone
Amethyst Birthstone: Everything You Want to Know

The Amethyst birthstone is one of the most loved out of all the birthstones. Learn about Amethyst's traditional, natural, and zodiac birthstones, as well as its properties, history, and healing benefits.

5G Health Risks
What Can You Do About 5G Health Risks?

Along with the 5G rollout comes a lot of fear and uncertainty. After all, the 5G health risks are real. But, there are things you can do to reduce your exposure, and that is what this article is all about.

Feng Shui Wealth Corner
The Feng Shui Wealth Corner: How to Decorate it for Prosperity

Discover what items to place in your feng shui wealth corner to attract prosperity and abundance into your life.

Crystals for Depression
10 Crystals for Depression: Use These Mood-Enhancing Stones to Feel Like Yourself Again

We are living in crazy times, which has led to an understandable increase in depression. In this article, we'll look at some of nature's best natural helpers: crystals for depression.

Crystals for Strength
10 Crystals for Strength: Find Your Personal Power in This Difficult Time

We are facing difficulties that we have never seen before, and it's time to take our power back. We can use these 10 crystals for strength to help us feel empowered so that our obstacles don't have as much hold on us.