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Crystals for New Moon Rituals: Manifest Your Desires With This Powerful Energy
INSIDE: By choosing the right crystals for new moon rituals, you can really take advantage of these powerful lunar energies. These stones in conjunction with the new moon will help you manifest great things!
Each month, our Lady Luna goes through her changes, one of the two most prominent being the time of the New Moon.
Almost every new moon has electrically-charged potential, and we have learned how to use those energies to our own benefit.
We should avoid doing regular rituals on eclipse-ridden new moons because eclipse energies tend to twist and perverse our intentions. Eclipse-marked new moons are best for shadow work and Plutonian goals.
When we have a new moon in a certain zodiac sign, we can align our intentions to receive the best possible results. We just need to know the symbolism of each of the signs in order to make them work in our favor.
New moons in Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius are considered very beneficial. So you can grab your pen, create a bucket list of your goals and then realign them with the lunar transits through these signs.
Adding crystals for new moon rituals on top of following the transition of the moon through the signs can work wonders for reaching and fulfilling your goals.
Best Crystals for New Moon Rituals
Just as we follow the lunar phases through the zodiac signs, we can also choose which crystals will best align with our purpose. That’s why we came up with this list of crystals for new moon rituals:
- Labradorite
- Smoky Quartz
- Black Obsidian
- Moonstone
- Citrine
- Clear Quartz
- Carnelian
- Blue Kyanite
- Rhodonite
- Pink Opal
- Lapis Lazuli
Now, let's look at each of these crystals in more detail...
Labradorite is the crystal of protection and change. Pairing it with a new moon in Aries, Gemini, Scorpio or Pisces can do wonders for manifesting goals that require a change or death of something old in order to welcome in the new.
Smoky Quartz
When we want to focus on psychological healing, growth or the elimination of bad habits, we can turn to Smoky Quartz. It’s best to align those types of goals with a new moon in Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, or Pisces.
Black Obsidian
Another great crystal for new moon rituals is Black Obsidian. While it is already considered a powerful magical stone no matter when you use it, using it for manifestation on a new moon transiting through Sagittarius or Pisces can bring about excellent protection for your spiritual journeys.
One of the top crystals for new moon rituals has to be a Moonstone, especially if you make good use of it on the new moon in Cancer or Leo. It’s bound to make your manifestations bountiful and fruitful. This stone has very potent energy when paired with the right sign.
The new moon in Leo just screams Citrine energy. If you have any goals that are in need of some good luck, fortune, or abundance, consider using Citrine on a new moon in a fiery Leo. Leonine energy will make the best use of a crystal like Citrine, as it will be the best possible catalyst for your desires and wishes.
Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz is a good match for all of the signs through which our Lady Luna can transit during her new moon phase. It’s an awesome amplifier and it will enhance lunar energies to their fullest potential.
One of the powerhouse crystals for new moon rituals is definitely Carnelian. His fiery energy will go great with all fire signs – Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. But too much fire can take a turn, so if you feel stuck but you have a clear structure in front of yourself, consider matching Carnelian with earthly new moon energies, especially with Virgo and Capricorn.
Blue Kyanite
Making good use of a Blue Kyanite on an Air or Water new moon can be very good for mentally or emotionally oriented goals. Goals that center around psychotherapy, past-life regressions, or emotional healing (like cutting astral/emotional cords or starting anew) are best performed with Blue Kyanite.
One of the top picks of crystals for New Moon rituals has to be Rhodonite. Its gentle energy is perfect for transiting a moon in Libra or Taurus. All matters connected with love, passion, and esthetics will come to wonderful results if paired with soft Rhodonite energy.
Pink Opal
Pink Opal has a perfect energy for a new moon in Cancer, Libra, Sagittarius, or Pisces. Its soft energy brings structure to emotional resolutions and heals past hurts. If you pair it up with a divine feminine dedication on a new moon in either of these signs, you can achieve majestic results in the areas of love, self-love, and personal relationships.
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli is one of the most respected crystals, making it a perfect choice as a crystal for new moon rituals in Aquarius, Scorpio, Pisces, or Sagittarius. If you are a seeker of knowledge, if your focus is on opening and expanding either your third eye or crown chakra, then this is the crystal for you.
New Moon Rituals According to Zodiac Signs
New Moons are times of new beginnings. People tend to stack up their resolutions for New Year's day and then fail miserably as their resolutions crash, burn, and crumble by the end of the first month (or week).
That’s why we should make use of all of the new moons within the entire year. First, we need to check our lunar calendar and then based on its quality, split our resolutions into phases.
Materialistic Goals
Materialistic goals, like financial gain, wealth attainment, and climbing the corporate ladder should be aligned with new moons in Capricorn, Virgo, Aries and Gemini.
Make sure to match your materialistic goals with these crystals for new moon rituals: Citrine, Carnelian, Pyrite, Clear Quartz, and Smoky Quartz.
Intellectual Goals
Intellectual goals, such as studying, passing the exams, signing up for courses, expanding your horizons, and achieving victories in intellectual fields are best started on a new moon in Aquarius, Sagittarius, Gemini, or Virgo.
Make sure to enhance your manifestations with these crystals: Smoky Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Labradorite, Amethyst and Clear Quartz.
Passionate Goals
Passionate goals, like working out, excelling in martial arts, starting your own business, winning competitions, expanding your influence/fan base, traveling, and working on your body image are best saved for new moons transiting through Leo, Aries, Scorpio, and Sagittarius.
Crystals for these new moons are: Carnelian, Black Obsidian, Smoky Quartz, Labradorite, and Pink Opal.
Emotional Goals
Emotional goals, whether that may be cord cutting, heart chakra healing or activating, deepening the emotional aspect of your relationships, delving into past lives, karma cleansing, or dharma searching, are best done on new moons in Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces and Taurus.
The crystals that best fit these goals are: Rhodonite, Blue Kyanite, Moonstone, Lapis Lazuli, Obsidian, and Clear Quartz.
Performing New Moon Rituals
To perform a new moon ritual, simply follow these steps:
- Make a goal bucket list
- Decide the element of your goal (Fire, Water, Air or Earth)
- Follow up on the desired new moons on the Lunar Calendar
- Once you’ve done that, pick the suitable crystals for new moon rituals from the list above
- Let the magic unfold
When manifesting with crystals, focus on the emotions you’ll experience when you reach the desired outcome. Feel those emotions, make them feel real, and create an experience in your head as if you’re reliving them.
See how you’ll act when your goal comes true. Create an intricate reaction, see your face, see your body, see yourself in the desired situation. Experience it with your whole heart and leave the rest up to the crystal and the moon.
Final Thoughts
Instead of stacking up your resolutions and goals for a single day in a year, make use of all 12-13 lunar months and work towards your goals throughout the year. And if you fail sometimes, don’t dwell in the failure. Bounce back up and start again. Everything takes practice.
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I want peace happiness and true love, to meet my soulmate. And a good successful job