Zodiac Myths and Truths Debunked: What Astrology is and is Not
INSIDE: There are many zodiac myths surrounding astrology today, yet astrology is so rich in information, has its rules and principles, and can give us many insights into human nature and the world we live in. Let’s discover some common misconceptions about astrology...
Astrology comes from the premise that we are all connected to planets around us. According to NewScientist, Saturn plays a role in persevering life on the Earth, affecting temperatures on our planet and making it more convenient for living. That's just one example.
However, because astrology seems so mystical and not many people understand it, there are often a lot of myths associated with it.
That's why, today, we are hoping to shed some light on astrology, what it is, and what it is not. Let’s go…
Myths & Truths About Astrology
As a system of gathered knowledge, astrology has been with us for many centuries. With the progressive growth in popularity, more and more people have become curious about it, and what it truly means and represents.
The fact is, as much as we would like to believe that we know everything, there is so much more out there that is hard to explain and still out of our reach.
Because of that, astrology certainly is one of the methods that attracts a lot of skeptics. After all, it has a status of pseudo-science, and because it is not as easily tested as laws of physics or chemistry, it is easily discarded, misused, or misunderstood.
Does that mean it is absolutely irrelevant? Can it be valuable for us? Does it defy science and logic? Let’s discover the common myths and truths about astrology.
Your Zodiac Sign Represents Your Personality
False: While we do have traits of our zodiac sign, astrologically speaking, we are so much more than our zodiac sign. Our Sun sign (zodiac sign) does represent the conscious self and our ego, but it is just a fragment of our entire natal chart.
Some people have more prominent traits that are typically associated with their Sun sign, but there are many factors that influence how many of those traits we will relate to and exhibit in our behavior.
There are many people born under the same star sign as us, but there are not so many people who share the exact same natal chart as we do. Even twins have a slightly different natal chart with different degrees, and sometimes placements.
Astrology is Used to Predict the Future
True & False: Among many other things, astrology truly is a powerful prediction technique that can tell us about potential events, blessings, and challenges we might face in the future.
This is possible only when we know how to track astrological transits properly and know the symbolism and the meaning of planetary aspects. Even then, astrology can only tell us about a favorable or less favorable time for doing something and offer us guidance so that we can move in the right direction. It is focused on energies that influence us here on Earth, rather than foreseeing the future in precise detail.
The accuracy of predictions depends on two major factors, and these are the skills of astrologers and our free will, which leads us to the next myth…
Astrology Denies Free Will
False: Our natal charts are charts of possibilities and challenges. Whether we are going to take certain opportunities, truly act on our inborn talents, or give in to indulging in bad habits that a chart indicates, is entirely up to us.
A natal chart can show what we are drawn to do, how we are motivated to act, as well as what we fear or what triggers us. A natal chart can tell us about our temperament, and the possible personality traits and quirks, both good or bad. However, it does not deny our ability to get a hold of our thoughts or behavior.
Natal charts seem more "set in stone" when we are younger and don’t have the necessary awareness and the experience to deal with difficulties and challenges indicated in a chart. However, as we mature and gain experience, we have the freedom to choose which path to take.
A natal chart can point to what we are made of, and what "material" we are given to work with in terms of personality, cognition, or abilities, and nothing about it is definite. We are all changeable, and a chart is there to help us get to know ourselves better so that we can earn the necessary life lessons and grow.
Astrology Simplifies & Generalizes
False: Astrology is a complex approach to the human psyche and it is so much more than the few paragraphs of a horoscope in fashion magazines, or relatable posts on social media.
It is a mixture of planetary influences, house placements, degrees, points, angles, aspects, and many other elements. All of these can be connected in endless ways, and they create a complex profile of a person.
We all have some of the 12 zodiac signs in our chart, but these will not be expressed in the same way for everyone. For instance, while two people could both be Virgos, they can be tremendously different from one another due to various aspects and different placements.
While astrology offers important insights into human behavior, it is not there to simplify and put people into boxes; on the contrary, it helps us understand the depth of the human psyche on all levels using astrological symbols and interpretation.
Good Charts Ensure Success; Bad Charts Mean We Are Doomed to Fail
False: Some people have better dispositions to succeed in life, while others work very hard to get where they strive to be, and astrology reflects that. In a way, there are no "good" or "bad" charts, just charts that have an easier flow of energy and those that present more challenges.
While it can indicate difficulties, good luck, or talents, nothing in astrology is detrimental and unchangeable, as we all have free will.
It is true that "bad" charts can point to a difficult upbringing, pessimism, self-limiting beliefs, or bad habits. However, while these charts can indeed indicate hurdles, distress, and obstacles in one’s life, they do not mean we will fail at life.
Many times, people with more difficult placements become incredibly strong and resilient, knowing how to value every good moment they have because they worked hard to get it.
On the flip side, "good" charts are not a guarantee that we will have it easy in life all the time. Even with good aspects and placements, we can easily take our blessings for granted, waste our talents and our potential, and become indulgent or careless if we are not careful.
Astrology is a New-Age Trend
False: Astrology is a very old predictory method that has a very long history behind it. Ancient Mayans, Greek, Chinese, Indians, and Ancient Egyptians all used different astrological systems to explain changes in nature and human behavior.
They observed the sky and tracked the movement of planets in order to predict the time of harvest, drought, tide, and other elemental changes.
Astronomy and astrology have the same roots and both come from the desire to understand the cosmos. However, while astronomy has taken a scientific turn, astrology is more connected to the metaphysical and spiritual.
With the development of civilization and accumulated knowledge, astrology has developed into the approach we love and use today. What we know about planets and aspects today is all a result of practice, gathered knowledge, and the experience of astrologers that came before us.
Zodiac Signs Are the Same as Zodiac Constellations
False: Zodiac constellations are not the same as zodiac signs, although some share the name with the 12 zodiac signs. Zodiac constellations vary in size, while zodiac signs used in astrology are usually quite set in a specific degree range, which is 30 degrees.
This means that some zodiac constellations are actually bigger than others, which is not the same with astrological zodiac signs, where we have a change in sign approximately every 30 days.
For instance, the constellation of Virgo is the largest constellation, while Capricornus, the constellation of Capricorn, is the smallest constellation in the sky. If astrological zodiac signs would actually match the constellation, that would mean that we would have many more Virgos and fewer Capricorns born every year.
Astrology is Occultism & Magic
False: Although quite magical, astrology is not magic. Astrology is based on observations and experience, is a practice of understanding planetary movements, and is not associated with occultism.
Because it is used as a method of predicting the future that has no tangible evidence, many skeptics associate astrology with witchcraft, the paranormal, and the occult. It is seen as a pseudoscience because, just like spirituality or energy work, there is no tangible evidence, other than accurate prediction and astrological heritage.
Nevertheless, it is a well-established system of predicatory methods that has been used for centuries before us and has nothing to do with summoning spirits, casting spells, or curses.
Just like science, astrology uses a wide set of techniques and it has its definitions and rules it follows. In its essence, it is meant to enlighten us, help us heal, and understand ourselves and the world around us.
What is Astrology Used for?
Astrology and astronomy are two different things, but they both agree on the fact that celestial bodies do impact us here on Earth. The best examples are:
- The Moon, which affects the tide and is associated with monthly cycles of women
- Jupiter and Venus, which affect the climate
- The Sun, without which we wouldn’t be here
Astrology comes from a premise that we are connected with the Universe, the planets, and the stars around us. It is here to help us gain greater clarity, and not to defy science or be compared to science. It functions on different principles that are based on observations, energy, and experience.
Here's what we can use astrology for...
- Understanding behavioral patterns and the human psyche
- Better understanding one’s personality and traits
- Predicting possible events and outcomes
- Understanding world events
- Understanding the energy exchange between people, places, and things
- Predicting favorable and less favorable periods of a week, month, or a year
- Self-discovery and increased self-awareness
- Understanding compatibility between individuals
- Uncovering one’s talents, skills, and gifts
- Healing and encouragement
- Guidance, enlightenment, and hope
Final Thoughts
At the end of the day, whether we are going to use the benefits of astrological readings or not is entirely up to us. No one and even astrology can’t deny us free will to believe in what we want to believe.
For those who are open to introspection and self-discovery, it can be a powerful tool that brings higher understanding and offers necessary guidance on a personal life path.
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