* Crystals and stones should not be used as a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Please read our full disclosure notice here.

12 Best Crystals for Grounding, Comfort, and Balance
INSIDE: If you are lacking a feeling of centering and balance in your life, crystals for grounding are just the thing you need. Their frequency promotes a strong connection with earth energy, and they are comforting and calming.
There's no doubt that being grounded is one of the best feelings in the world. It is all about being centered and balanced within your body and having a strong sense of calm.
It's also about enjoying a deep connection and more engagement with the world around you. Studies are even confirming how important connecting to the earth is to our well-being.
When you are grounded and balanced, you make better decisions. Also, you will behave in ways that are more positive and authentic.
If you've ever felt too weak, floaty, nervous, anxious or agitated, then grounding stones and balance stones can help harness the extra energy, making you feel at peace.
Best 12 Crystals for Grounding
It is essential to practice grounding, energy cleansing, and shielding techniques on a daily basis in order to keep a sane mind and a healthy body, and crystals for grounding are one of the best ways to do that.
Here's a video about a few of these balancing and grounding crystals before we continue the article...
Now, here are 12 of our favorite crystals for grounding and balance. They can help you get rid of your addiction and have the ability to heal inside and out.
Smoky Quartz
Smoky Quartz exudes beautiful balancing and grounding energy. These crystals for grounding cleanse not just your energy, but the energy around you as well.
This stone holds the amazing healing vibrations of Clear Quartz and has a greater ability to keep you grounded, balanced and centered. It is ideal to meditate with as well.
If you would like to ground gently, there is no doubt that Smoky Quartz is an excellent choice. It stimulates and balances all chakra centers, especially the root chakra.
Hematite is an excellent and smooth earthbound healer. These balance crystals have more subtle energy compared to other grounding stones.
It is a protective stone and can keep you grounded and balanced, shielding you from any unwanted negative energies. The presence of these balance stones is immediately felt, and they anchor your soul deep in place.
Unakite Jasper
Unakite Jasper is an excellent balancing and grounding stone. They combine a specific form of Red Jasper with the amazing Epidote (the greenish part of the stone).
You can use these grounding crystals if you are emotionally distressed after experiencing disruptive or unhealthy home or family life.
They are brilliant for anyone going through relationship transitions, relationship breakups, or life transitions. It also encourages openness, strength, and optimism. They are very restorative for your body and encourage healthy sleep patterns.
Black Tourmaline
Black Tourmaline is a crystal for grounding that is so powerful that it can bring you right back into your body quickly, but it never feels violent or rough. It is very gentle, which makes it perfect for sensitive souls, children, and people going through deep emotional turmoil.
This stone is also a powerful stone for protection against all kinds of negative energies, including EMF protection and psychic protection. It anchors you into the earth Star Chakra, connecting you to the earth.
Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz is a very versatile stone that can be used for various metaphysical healing purposes. We love to use it in conjunction with other grounding stones to enhance and amplify their energy.
Elite Shungite
Elite Shungite is an intriguing, lustrous, black rock that consists almost entirely of carbon. This grounding stone helps purify negative energies and emotions, transmuting them into the light. It will keep you clear-headed, grounded and balanced.
Black Jasper
Black Jasper is a very protective stone and is excellent for balancing and grounding the energies of people who are experiencing spaciness.
These crystals for grounding can help connect your higher vibrations to the earth. Black jasper is also very useful in relieving pain and helping with foot problems and stomach ailments.
Tourmalinated Quartz
Tourmalinated Quartz combines the properties of Black Tourmaline (protective) and Clear Quartz (energy amplifying). This results in a powerfully grounding and balancing stone. It also purifies negative energies.
Black Obsidian
Black Obsidian is created by the fast cooling of lava. As this stone combines the important elements of earth, fire and water, it is a very remarkable grounding crystal.
These crystals for grounding have a strong and deep connection with the earth, and are great to use after you have done some spiritual work, as they will re-ground you.
Super Seven
Super Seven is an excellent combination of seven minerals: Cacoxenite, Amethyst, Goethite, Clear Quartz, Lepidocrocite, Rutile, and Smoky Quartz. Note that small pieces can carry the vibration and energy of all minerals, even when they are not present in an individual piece.
This crystal is great for grounding and balancing and also works well in combination with other grounding crystals.
Because of its versatile frequency, these crystals for grounding have the ability to keep you present and grounded. They can also spark your creative side, empowering you to go aggressively after the things that you really want in your life. They also promote a sense of safety and peace.
Crystal healers also believe that Bronzite gives you the confidence and courage to act positively in accordance with your feelings and thoughts.
Red Jasper
The red color of this stone signifies its willingness to be fully rooted at your base chakra, and it also has powerful grounding and balancing properties. Red Jasper is an excellent slow energy realigner. This can be ideal for people who have to ground gradually rather than suddenly.
This stone is delicately grounding as well as protective of the energy bodies. Red Jasper doesn’t make you depressed or feel weighed down. It is a sacred and ancient stone that has held significant meaning throughout many cultures.
Want These Crystals for Grounding?
We've bundled up 5 of these crystals for grounding into our Consistency/Balance/Grounding Healing Gemstone Collection so that you can easily benefit from their healing effects.
How to Use Grounding Stones
Now that you've learned about the best healing stones for grounding and balance, it's time to discover some of the ways you can use them to get the results you're seeking.
Here are some of our favorite ways to use crystals for grounding:
Use Them With Higher Frequency Stones for Balance
When we use only high vibrational crystals like Selenite or Amethyst, we can start to feel spacey or "lost in the clouds." Grounding crystals can help to bring us back down to earth again.
Meditate With Them
By meditating with these grounding stones, you can get the most out of them. Crystals enhance the already healing powers of meditation, providing the strongest results.
Carry Them in Your Pockets
If you want to feel balanced as you go about your day, carrying grounding stones in your pocket is a great way to do it. You'll be blessed with their comforting energy everywhere you go.
Final Thoughts About Grounding Crystals
Grounding is important for good health and well-being because it allows a positive and stable flow of electrons from the earth to nurture your physical, mental, and emotional bodies. Plus, it keeps you in the moment.
1 comment
Very insightful, very nice collection and items also