100 Self Care Affirmations for a Happier, More Fulfilled Life
INSIDE: The power of self care affirmations isn’t just about positive thinking. In fact, affirmations are what most successful people do in order to achieve goals and maintain focus.
Finding solutions to struggles can be difficult and overwhelming. Negative and intrusive thoughts often overrun us with fear and worry, which makes it seem impossible to feel any better.
Using affirmations for self care is not only an easy way to keep you positive; it'll also help you get a little closer to your dreams.
How to Use Affirmations for Self Care
There are heaps of ways to incorporate self care affirmations into your life. It’s all about giving yourself a few minutes here and there to really focus on yourself.
Here are several ways you can use affirmations...
Affirmation Meditation
Start each day with some self care affirmations. Simply sit for 5-10 minutes and start the affirmation with the words "I am…"
Do you have any goals or things to do that day? Tell yourself how you're going to do it and make it affirmative — i.e. “I am going to eat 3 healthy meals today!”
Writing is an easy and efficient way to not only process your day, but also clear your mind from worry. It’s like a free therapy session where you ‘brain-dump’ whatever is on your mind.
Journaling is also a great way to use self care affirmations. If you struggle with sitting still in meditation, jotting down your affirmations is a type of meditation as well.
Yoga with Mantras
Your self care affirmations are just like mantras. If you practice yoga, repeat some of your affirmations with deep breaths before you get into poses. A
s you advance with this practice, you’ll be able to strike poses while repeating your mantra. This is a good way to improve concentration and push your body, mind, and spirit a little further.
100 Self Care Affirmations
Not sure where to start with self care affirmations? Here's a list to get you started. Soon enough, you’ll be able to create your own personal affirmations that relate solely to your life and experiences.
Self-Love & Self-Care Affirmations
To start it off, here are some self love affirmations. This is often something we all struggle with, but with a little positivity and open-mindedness, these affirmations can help set us in the right direction.
- I love and respect myself because I know my value and I am worthy.
- I care about myself and listen to all of my needs.
- I am comfortable with myself and enjoy my me-time.
- I am unique and no one else can ever be like me.
- I am strong, resilient and smart.
- I treat myself with love, kindness, and acceptance because I know my worth.
- I am powerful, healthy and capable.
- I am free of self-doubt and insecurities because I am confident and strong.
- I am one-of-a-kind and there is no one else like me in the world.
- I will always lift myself up and focus on the positive.
- I am loved by family and friends.
- I love myself unconditionally.
- I am worthy of love from myself and others.
- I am centered, at peace, and in love with myself.
- I deserve love, laughter, and to be carefree.
- I feel beautiful and I am beautiful.
- I affirm empowering and kind messages to myself.
Affirmations for Attaining Goals & Ending Self-Sabotage
Countless successful people and celebrities have spoken about their usage of self care affirmations in order to achieve goals. At the end of the day, we are our own harshest critics.
Here are some affirmations that will help you reach for the sky and stop the self-sabotaging...
- I have complete control of negative thoughts.
- No one can criticize me because I am perfect the way that I am.
- I do not doubt myself or my abilities because I know they will lead me to success.
- I always keep myself as top priority.
- Everything I do and everything I am is great.
- I have faith in myself, my words, and my actions to take me to higher places.
- Every day, I make promises or goals and I always complete them.
- I learn new things about myself every day.
- I am talented, successful, and I applaud myself.
- I choose to not take things personally.
- My dreams and goals are within reach.
- I am evolving every day.
- I believe in myself and in my goals.
- I trust myself and the process of achieving my aspirations.
- I will take actions and steps every day to reach my dreams.
- I improve every day.
- I know how to challenge myself and accept any outcome.
- I know how to stand up for myself and my talents.
- I honestly acknowledge destructive patterns and look for solutions.
- I create my own reality that is kind, loving, and gentle.
- I know how to calm myself with safe coping mechanisms.
Self-Forgiveness & Growth Affirmations
In order to grow, we must love and forgive ourselves for our mistakes.
Here are some affirmations to use when you need a little reminder to forgive and not take things so seriously...
- I set boundaries and stick to them because I know what is right for me.
- I don't get upset with myself when I make a mistake but I always learn from it.
- My emotions and feelings are important and they are strong.
- My dark side is part of who I am and I have complete control over it.
- I always forgive myself and look forward to doing all that is good for me.
- I owe it to myself to be happy and enjoy my life.
- I go with the flow of life with control and determination.
- Nothing heals my wounds like I do because I am my best caretaker.
- I have the right to refuse anything that does not suit me.
- I always focus on the positive side of life.
- Every day, I choose myself first.
- I embrace my past and learn from it everyday.
- I am not my mistakes or my past.
- I believe in the person I am becoming.
Independence Affirmations
In our society, being single or independent is looked at as a bad thing, but realistically, we need to be able to live with ourselves.
These affirmations are great for finding comfort in ourselves and loving independence...
- I live on my own, I care for myself and I always do what makes me happy.
- I do not depend on anyone or anything because I am an independent person.
- I always make sure to take care of myself first because that is how I take care of others.
- I deserve the best and will not settle for anything less.
- I am enough.
- I accept myself for who I am and I am free to make my own choices.
- I pave my own path and honor where life takes me.
- I am happy to be me and am thankful for my life.
- I am not alone because I have myself.
- I make my own choices and decisions.
- I live life on life’s terms.
- Every day, I become more independent.
- I love being on my own and working for myself.
- I am investing in my future self.
- I am enough and I have everything I need inside of me.
Affirmations for Letting Go
Whatever you’re holding onto that isn’t serving you, let it go. If it’s an ex, a loss or trauma, release all that weight to the universe with these self care affirmations...
- Toxic things and people have no place in my life.
- I release myself of any misery and suffering.
- I deserve to be treated with respect.
- I will not be tied down by fear and anxiety.
- I let go of intrusive thoughts.
- I am worry-free.
- I let go of expectations and open myself to the flow of the universe.
- I cannot control others, only myself.
- I accept that others may not share my desires.
- When I let go, I create space for something new or better.
- I let go of my fears of not being perfect because I am perfect in my own way.
- I give things away freely and see a clutter-free space before me.
- I live my life without restraints.
- I am free of burdens.
- The past is gone and I cannot change it. I can only live in today.
- I believe in the magic of starting new.
- I take responsibility for my actions yet they do not define who I am today.
- I am living proof that change can be beautiful.
Health Affirmations
Self care requires taking a look at our overall health and spending time to ensure we have some good habits. Eating healthy and getting enough exercise is one thing, but sticking with it can be a whole other challenge.
Here are some affirmations that may help...
- Eating healthy is how I stay energized.
- I am committed to mental, physical, and spiritual health.
- My body is my palace and I take care of it to the best of my abilities.
- High vibrational food and drinks fuel my mind and body.
- I push myself a little harder each day to reach my health goals.
- I enjoy the food that is best for my body.
- I look forward to old age because I have taken care of my body.
- I am always discovering new ways to benefit my health.
- I am relaxed and stress-free.
- My body is in optimal health when I give it what it needs.
- I am pain-free and enjoying life.
- I take care of my body, mind, and soul through exercise and a healthy diet.
- I am open and willing to accept healing energies from the universe.
- I am overflowing with vitality and energy.
- I respect my body, my heart, and my future.
Final Thoughts
When we think of self care, expensive spas, trips or shopping sprees often come to mind. But by simply incorporating self care affirmations into your life, you can receive similar benefits (or more).
Affirmations are an effective way to improve positive thinking and open mindedness. Not to mention, they can actually enhance focus and goal orientation.
It’s not just us regular folks who should be practicing affirmations regularly, many successful people all over the planet incorporate affirmations into their daily routines.
With this list of 100 affirmations, hopefully you will find inspiration to create and personalize your own. All it takes is 5 minutes with a few “I am..” statements and you’re off to the races.
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