Types of Meditation
11 Types of Meditation: Find the Technique That is Right for You

Meditation, regardless of the type and how it’s performed, always opens the doors to personal transformation and mindfulness. Read on to learn about the different types of meditation to get grounded, release stress, and support your wellbeing.

Crystals for Emotional Healing
How to Use Crystals for Emotional Healing

Emotional healing can be hard, painful work. Crystals for emotional healing can help ease the pain and lead you towards forgiveness, acceptance, and renewal.

Am I Psychic?
Am I Psychic? Here Are 13 Telltale Signs You Are!

Connecting with others telepathically, being able to see and feel things others can’t, as well as picking up on energy and other people’s emotions are all signs of higher sensory abilities. If you're wondering, "Am I psychic?," then read on to discover if you are!

Self Care for Empaths
Self Care for Empaths: 6 Tips to Help You Take Care of Yourself

As an empath, you have a natural inclination to care for and help others. But in order to thrive when you offer your time and energy to others, you need to learn self care for empaths. Try these tips for taking care of yourself today!

Astrological Aspects
Astrological Aspects: The Path to Understanding Your Struggles & Your Blessings

By understanding astrological aspects, we can better understand our strengths, weaknesses, and the challenges we experience. It can help us to succeed in this lifetime and discover a whole new part of ourselves. Read on to learn more!

Green Jade Healing Properties
Green Jade Healing Properties for Self-Love, Abundance & Good Fortune

When you have access to Green Jade healing properties, things like love, prosperity, and a calm mental state become easier. But that's not all! Read on to discover what this stone can do for you!

What Starseed Am I?
What Starseed Am I? Discover 19 Types of Starseeds

If you feel like there’s a part of you from out of this world, it's possible you're a starseed. Starseeds are other-worldly spiritual auras that inhabit human forms to guide the Earth towards new dimensions. Get in touch with your origins as you learn about the different types of starseeds.

Signs of Negative Energy in a House
13 Signs of Negative Energy in a House: Is It Time to Cleanse Your Home?

If home is where the heart is, are we giving it the care and attention it needs to help keep us healthy? Learn about the signs of negative energy in a house so that you know when to purify it.