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What is the Spiritual Meaning of Amethyst?
INSIDE: The Spiritual meaning of Amethyst is one that is full of opportunity and magic. By understanding the spiritual properties of Amethyst, you can learn how to use it to improve your spiritual life and feel more in touch with the Divine.
Amethyst is one of the most sought after gemstones because it is not only stunningly beautiful but also a powerful healing stone. It provides us with numerous benefits that support the mind, body, and spirit.
This stone happens to be our favorite crystal here at Cosmic Cuts, and a lot of that has to do with the spiritual meaning of Amethyst. Let's dig into this topic in more detail now...
Diving Into the Spiritual Meaning of Amethyst
If you've used Amethyst before, you've probably experienced its pull toward the spiritual, and there are many reasons for this.
Amethyst is a High Vibration Spiritual Crystal
Much of Amethyst spiritual meaning has to do with the fact that it is a spiritual crystal with a high vibrational frequency. It supports us in having a Divine connection and opens us up to receive higher wisdom, guidance, and insights.
It simultaneously helps us to connect the physical realm with the spiritual realm, and in doing so, it works to unite the mind, body, and spirit.
Amethyst Stimulates the Third Eye and Crown Chakras
When talking about the spiritual meaning of amethyst, we have to discuss Amethyst's ability to stimulate the two main spiritual chakras: the Third Eye and the Crown Chakras.
Amethyst & The Third Eye Chakra
Located between the brows, the Third Eye Chakra is the area of our energetic body that governs all aspects of sight, including: perception, insight, imagination, awareness, and our physical sight.
It's where our consciousness resides, therefore it also manages our wisdom, judgement, new ideas, and how we relate to ourselves. It's also responsible for our dreams, intuition, and clairvoyant visions.
Amethyst can help us activate the third eye chakra so that we can:
- Tap into our intuition
- Open ourselves up to our clairvoyant abilities
- Access universal wisdom
- Make spiritually guided decisions
- Engage in self-discovery and awareness of our soul
- Perceive higher dimensions and realities
- Practice visualization that leads to the manifestation of our desires
- Have insightful dreams
Amethyst & The Crown Chakra
The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head. It connects us to the world around us and to higher consciousness. Spiritual energy comes in from the top of the head and circulates through the chakras and meridians in our bodies.
The health of this chakra determines how we respond to the outside world and how open we are to spiritual guidance. It governs our beliefs, inspiration, and enlightenment.
Amethyst can help us activate the crown chakra so that we can:
- Receive guidance from our angels, guides, and the higher consciousness of our soul
- Raise our vibration
- Respond to people and situations from a higher frequency
- Have beliefs that support our soul's mission
- Access inspiration
- Master our spiritual abilities
- Awaken to our Divine purpose
Amethyst Provides Spiritual Protection
Because of Amethyst's purification properties, it provides powerful spiritual protection to its user, further adding to the Amethyst spiritual meaning.
Firstly, it cleanses the aura, which shields us from negative energy, psychic attack, and even EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies).
Without all of that muck to drag us down, we feel emotionally stronger, we are more balanced and better able to manage what comes up in our lives, and our intuitive and psychic abilities can flourish.
Here are some additional ways that Amethyst cleanses and protects:
- It clears out negative emotions like fear, stress, anger, and grief, so that we can get to the root of our issues.
- It helps release toxins from the body.
- It releases attachments that keep us blocked.
Amethyst is the Perfect Meditation Crystal
While there are countless stones that we would categorize as meditation crystals, Amethyst is certainly one of our favorites in that regard.
Amethyst calms the mind during meditation, helping us to enter a deeper meditative state. It opens us up to experience greater benefits from our meditation practice by surrendering to the Divine for deeper understandings and wisdom.
There are many different ways to meditate with Amethyst:
- Place an Amethyst Tumbled Stone on your third eye to help calm the mind and induce a meditative state.
- Hold an Amethyst in your left hand during meditation to bring its energy into your body.
- Hold one in your right hand during meditation to help you emanate out its energy into your environment.
- Meditate next to a large Amethyst Geode to experience the highest level of Amethyst energy.
Amethyst Contains the Violet Ray
Much of the spiritual meaning of Amethyst comes from the fact that it contains the violet ray (also known as the violet flame vibration).
This high frequency vibration cleanses and transmutes negative energy out of the body into light and love.
This is why Amethyst is so effective at protecting us from psychic attack and negative entities. It's also why Amethyst is so effective at helping us to raise our vibration.
Other purple crystals also contain the violet ray, but never is it as strong as it is in Amethyst.
Amethyst Helps Us Embrace Love
As we discussed, the violet ray contained in Amethyst transmutes negative energy into the energy of love; therefore, this stone has an amazing way of helping its user give and receive more love.
When we bring Amethyst into our aura, our frequency shifts, and it becomes more in sync with the vibration of the Amethyst.
As the violet ray in the Amethyst transmutes negative energy into love, we feel that shift in our body, mind, and spirit, and we start to vibrate with the energy of love.
When that happens, we become more loving and we are able to accept more love into our life.
Amethyst Raises Our Vibration
As we move into the fifth dimension during this time of tumult and change, there is nothing we need more than to raise our vibration, and Amethyst is here to help us with that.
Amethyst's high frequency vibration helps to raise our vibration simply by being in its presence, making it easier for us to ascend and to enjoy life in the process.
When we use Amethyst, we experience all of the following, which all serves to reduce stress and raise our vibration:
- A soothing yet uplifting energy
- Balanced emotions
- Less negativity
- More patience
- Peace, tranquility, and a sense of calm
- A cleansed aura
- A lighter attitude
Amethyst Spiritual Uses: 7 Ways to Use Amethyst for Spirituality
There are many different ways to harness the spiritual properties of amethyst to enhance your spiritual life. Let's look at 7 of those ways now...
Place Amethyst in Your Spiritual Altar
As far as we are concerned, Amethyst is a staple that should be included in every spiritual altar.
Doing so removes negativity from your environment, helps you tap into your intuition, and improves your connection to the Divine.
Meditate With Amethyst
By meditating with Amethyst, you'll be able to fully understand the spiritual meaning of Amethyst.
It settles the mind, helping you to get into a meditative state and tune out your environment so that you can focus inward. It also opens up the crown chakra and third eye chakra allowing you to enjoy more spiritual benefits from your meditation practice.
Create Crystal Grids With Amethyst
Amethyst is a wonderful stone to include in your crystal grids. It's the perfect way to bring a calming energy of insight, love, and focus into your life.
Use these tips to guide you in creating a crystal grid that will help you transform your life.
Sleep With Amethyst
Amethyst is one of the most well-known crystals for sleep. Its soothing energy is conducive to a good night's sleep.
By placing it under your pillow or on your nightstand, you'll be able to sleep more soundly, deter bad dreams, and embark on a spiritual adventure in your dreams that is rich with symbolism, prophecy, and spiritual visions.
Wear Amethyst
Whether you wear crystal jewelry or keep an Amethyst tumbled stone in your pocket, wearing Amethyst on your person is the best way to enjoy the beautiful energy from this crystal no matter where you go.
Journal With Amethyst
Amethyst is the perfect stone to keep with you when you are writing in your journal because it will help you to feel more clear in your thoughts while relaxing you at the same time.
With its help, self-discovery will be that much easier and more enjoyable.
Pray With Amethyst
The spiritual properties of Amethyst are ideal during times of prayer. Place an Amethyst stone in your hand while you are praying to help you connect to your angels, guides, and the Divine.
Amethyst is a wonderfully calming stone that inspires Divine love and enhances our meditative practices. As we awaken spiritually, it serves to protect and connect us all at the same time, and that's the spiritual meaning of Amethyst.
1 comment
Thanks for answering the question I had….I have 2 beautiful spheres of Amethyst and I love looking at them, but now I know I can also keep harmony in this house and remove the negativity. I appreciate the answers I received. Thank you.