Discover Chakra Symbols and Meanings to Gain Deeper Understanding
INSIDE: Chakra symbols hold the key to understanding and using the power of chakras for our growth. Each symbol is rooted in age-old meaning and each can be used as a tool for expanding our consciousness. Let's discover what these symbols mean and how we can use them in our spiritual practice.
The system of energy centers or chakras has been used for ages. It includes powerful symbols, and elements that can be used on our spiritual journey and self-development.
Did you know that, according to Psychology Today, every color from the visible spectrum has the power to impact our mood? Did you also know that chakra colors can help us feel more balanced within?
Every chakra has a color, unique vibration, symbol, and a specific meaning. Let's discover how chakra symbols can play a role in transforming our reality!
Commonly Used Elements in the Chakra Symbols
Chakras include various spiritual elements. Each of them has a specific vibration and symbolism that can be used to help us balance chakras and stimulate the flow of prana through our body.
In Sanskrit, the word Chakra translates as "the wheel." Let's look at the common symbols associated with the seven energy centers or seven wheels of energy located long on our body…
All chakras have a circle in their symbol. A circle represents the flow of prana, or life force through the body, from the Root Chakra to the Crown Chakra. It is a symbol of wholeness, eternity, and an infinite, cyclical exchange of energy.
The Circle is also associated with the Full Moon, which represents cycles of life, constant movement, and change. It is a representation of totality and is a timeless symbol that transcends space and time.
The square is the most stable geometric shape. It represents security and the base upon which we build our reality. It is associated with the physical realm and solid, tangible forms, as well as our body.
Being associated with the basic foundation, the square is found in the symbolism of the lower chakras, which represent the stable structure for the other chakras to rest upon.
The energy of the square brings balance and security to the physical body so that our mind and spirit can develop and we can evolve to higher levels of consciousness.
The triangle is the symbol of direction. The three points represent the harmony and interconnectedness between the body, mind, and soul. The point of the triangle is usually associated with the seed of potential, while the wider part of the triangle represents our openness to the spiritual realm. As such, a triangle represents the connection between higher intelligence and the physical realm.
All triangles in chakra symbols are pointed downwards, except for the triangle in the heart chakra which forms a hexagram with another downward-facing triangle.
A triangle points to the direction in which we receive the messages from the universe and that is from the crown chakra downwards. It symbolizes spiritual downloads, as well as our continuous connectedness with the Divine.
A hexagram is a high-vibrational symbol and is often associated with the balance of the opposites and the blend of feminine and masculine energies. It is depicted in the Heart Chakra symbol and is associated with the meeting of the polarities that together create perfect harmony and balance.
One can not exist without the other. The shape represents not only the interlocking of the Divine Masculine and Feminine but also the earth and the sky in perfect alignment - as above so below.
Every chakra has a different number of lotus petals. The Lotus represents spiritual blossoming, the elevation of the mind, body, and spirit, as well as our ability to reach higher levels of consciousness.
The number of petals in chakra symbols is associated with energy channels or main nadis associated with the chakra. The lotus flower as a whole element symbolizes fertility, enlightenment, and spiritual transcendence and growth.
The more petals the chakra symbol has, the more energy from different directions flows through it.
Every chakra is associated with a specific spiritual animals, which corresponds with chakra qualities. These animals, including the cosmic egg, which corresponds with the Crown Chakra and the power of the seven chakras. Symbols of these animals and using their symbols in spiritual practice and meditation can help balance chakras and connect with the spirit.
Every chakra has a governing Hindu God and Goddess. Their power is stored in each chakra within us and is associated with Divine specific chakra Qualities. Connecting with these Hindu deities can help us balance the chakras they rule...
- Root Chakra - Goddess Dakini, Ganesha
- Sacral Chakra - Goddess Rakini, Brahma
- Solar Plexus Chakra - Lakini Shakti, Vishnu
- Heart Chakra - Kakini Shakti, Rudra
- Throat Chakra - Shakini Shakti, Sadashiva
- Third Eye Chakra - Shakini Shakti, Sadashiva
- Crown Chakra - Kundalini Shakti, Shiva
Colors not only have a therapeutic effect but each resonating color from the visible spectrum is connected to the meaning and the vibration of a specific chakra.
Using chakra colors in meditation and chakra rituals is one of the keys to unleashing the potential of each chakra. A color can activate the chakra’s dormant potential and is also used for removing energetic blockages in the chakra it governs.
Sanskrit Syllable
Each chakra has its Bija mantra or seed syllable. They are used for chanting during meditation, and each has a specific frequency that helps unblock the chakra it resonates with. Chanting helps move the prana through the body. Each helps activate an energy center, contributing to overall wellbeing and inner balance.
They are used to help connect seven vortexes that are aligned with Sushumna Nadi (the Channel of the Absolute). This channel connects the Root Chakra with the Crown Chakra, and Sanskrit Syllables help increase the flow of energy.
Six Bija mantras are chakra symbols that can be pronounced out loud, while the seventh is silent. The Crown Chakra is the highest and closest to the Divine. It represents supreme intelligence, the highest level of consciousness, ultimate peace, and stillness. Silence is a way of connecting to that energy and going beyond producing sound vibration to connect with the Divine or find peace.
- LAM - Root Chakra
- VAM - Sacral Chakra
- RAM - Solar Plexus Chakra
- YAM - Heart Chakra
- HAM - Throat Chakra
- OM - Third Eye Chakra
- Silence - Crown Chakra
Root Chakra Symbol Meaning

The Root Chakra or Muladhara is the first and lowest chakra, located at the base of the spine. Its name translated means "root and foundation" or "root support," and it is associated with the earth element. The seed syllable is LAM and the color of the chakra is red. The spirit animal associated with it is an elephant.
Red Color
Red in Muladhara is associated with Shakti, which is a cosmic energy that symbolizes movement, power, and energy. It represents the birth of a human as an evolved being, with the ability to consciously create reality and use the power of consciousness to transform and grow.
Red, as one of the color chakra symbols, represents action and drive, passion, and the desire to move and experience life in the physical realm in order to prompt spiritual evolution.
The Inverted Triangle
The Inverted triangle points downwards, indicating the direction of energy flow, which is towards the earth. It represents grounding, the force of the Earth, and is a symbol of roots, or "rooted" energy.
Just like the seed of a plant, the downward pointed tip of the triangle derives vitality from the ground, so that it can sprout, and expand it towards the sky. It symbolizes the seed of potential and the birth of life which is meant to evolve and grow.
The Square
The square is the ultimate symbol of stability and security. It represents the solid, unshakeable form that is the foundation for inner security. It is the foundation and the frame within which the passionate energy of Muladhara can flow freely without being destructive or led astray by passions.
The square represents divine order and offers a stable structure for the remaining six chakras, being the "base" and the point of stability for other chakras.
Lotus With Four Petals
The four-petalled lotus is one of the chakra symbols that represents the birth of the human form with four aspects of its conscious being:
- Mind - Manas
- Consciousness - Chitta
- Ego - Ahamkara
- Intellect - Buddhi
These are the four main states of mind that are formed in Muladhara, and they symbolically expand from the center of the seed in the Root Chakra symbol.
Sacral Chakra Symbol Meaning
The Sacral Chakra is the second chakra, located just below the navel. Its name, Svadhishtana, translates to "self-established" (Sva = self, adhisthana = established), and the element is associated with water. The color of the second chakra is orange, the spirit animal crocodile, and the seed syllable is VAM.
Orange Color
Orange is the color of fulfillment and sensuality. It stands for joy, warmth, and symbolizes undying enthusiasm. Orange is also the color of sexuality and sensuality and is associated with the creation and expansion of ideas and concepts.
The color of the Sacral chakra alludes to freedom of the spirit and the power of stimuli that we get through our senses, supporting the birth of ideas.
Crescent Moon
The upward-facing crescent Moon is associated with feminine aspects of the psyche. It represents continuous, cyclical change, life cycles, and the flow of life.
The Crescent Moon in Svadhishthana symbolizes the overflowing energy that constantly moves and changes shape, like a tide. Crescent Moons are chakra symbols of fertility and empowerment, and especially the cognizance and acceptance of feminine power we all have in our energetic bodies.
Six-Petalled Lotus
Six petals are associated with lower qualities - anger, hatred, jealousy, desire, cruelty, and pride. The key to blissfulness and balance of the Sacral chakra lies in mastering and rising above the six qualities.
Six petals represent awakening to the limitations and dangers of the conscious mind and overcoming them in order to blossom spiritually.
Solar Plexus Chakra Symbol Meaning
The Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura is the third chakra, located in the stomach area, just below the ribs. Manipura in Sanskrit translates to "city of jewels" (mani = gem, pura = city). It is associated with the fire element, yellow color, and its seed syllable is RAM. The animal that can help us balance the energy of the Solar plexus is the ram.
Yellow Color
The Yellow Solar Plexus Chakra symbolizes light and solar power. In Manipura, it is associated with the core of the solar body, self-esteem, and empowerment. Yellow represents the ability to shine our light brightly outwards and share it with the world.
Inverted Triangle
A symbol of fire, Tejas, is an inverted triangle and a central element in the Sacral Chakra symbol. In Sanskrit, Tejas means translated fire or illumination, as is associated with charisma and vitality.
Among other powerful chakra symbols and meanings, it represents innate power, inner strength, and brilliance. The central downward pointed triangle is also a symbol of energy movement and the ability to derive energy and vitality from the Universe.
Ten-Petalled Lotus
Manipura has ten petals extending at the edge of the Chakra symbol. The petals symbolize the energy, the vibration, or ten pranas that are an integral part of our being.
Some sources associate ten petals with qualities that need to be mastered and overcome in order to reach our fullest potential and own our power. These are sadness, delusion, foolishness, fear, shame, disgust, jealousy, ambition, ignorance, and treachery.
These negative qualities hinder our growth, as well as the steps to spiritual evolution and the blossoming of our potential.
Heart Chakra Symbol Meaning
The Heart Chakra or Anahata is the fourth chakra, located at the center of the chest. It is depicted by the green color, and its Sanskrit name translates as "unstuck" or "unhurt." The seed syllable is YAM, and the element associated with it is air. The animal connected to the energy of the heart is the deer.
Green Color
Green symbolizes tranquility and growth. It represents our connection with nature, of which we are an active part of. The green color is soothing and is related to healing with love and compassion. In the Anahata Chakra, green is associated with all types of love, care, and nurturing.
The Hexagram
There are two triangles located in the very center of the Heart Chakra symbol, One is pointing upwards, and symbolizes the connection with Universal Love and the Universe itself, and the other is downward facing, symbolizing the connection with the earth. Blended together, they form a Hexagram, which represents the unity of the two forces - the Divine intelligence, and human intelligence, which meet at the center of our hearts. Six-pointed star or Shatkona in old tradition represents a harmonious blend and synchronization of opposing energies - the yin and the yang, the masculine and the feminine, the active and the passive principle.
Twelve-Petalled Lotus
Twelve petals in the Anahata symbol represent twelve Divine qualities that define the positive qualities associated with the Heart Chakra. These are peace, bliss, love, empathy, understanding, harmony, clarity, purity, compassion, forgiveness, kindness, and unity. The petals also include the contrasting, negative qualities which block the flow of energy through the Anahata and are meant to be overcome - indecision, fraud, lust, repentance, hope, anxiety, arrogance, longing, impartiality, incompetence, defiance adn discrimination.
Throat Chakra Symbol Meaning
The fifth Chakra in the Chakra system is Vishuddha, or the Throat Chakra, which is governed by sky blue color and associated with the element ether or space. In Sanskrit, Vishuddha translates as exceptionally pure, or especially pure ( visha - impurity, suddhi - purify). It is located where the throat is, not far from the spine. The seed syllable or mantra is HAM, an animal white elephant.
Blue Color
Blue is associated with the power of self-expression. It signifies wisdom, oratory ability, and faith. It is associated with truth and spiritual intelligence. Pure like the water or clear sky, blue is believed to represent purity and is associated with purity of mind.
Inner Circle
At the very center of the Vishuddha Chakra stands one of the most powerful chakra symbols, the circle, framed by a downward-facing triangle. The circle symbolizes cycles and the unfolding of life. The circle is also believed to represent the Full Moon, epiphany after a period of contemplation and a clear, purified mind.
Inverted Triangle
The Inverted Triangle represents the point where Universal intelligence gets channeled through the body and gets expressed vocally. The triangle can be seen symbolically as an arrow that points to spiritual messages and truths being received from the ‘’above’’ and then turned into sound vibration produced by the voice. This is where we get to express our truth and stand in our integrity.
Sixteen-petalled Lotus
There are a few interpretations of the sixteen-petaled lotus in the Throat Chakra. According to one belief, sixteen petals represent 16 abilities or 16 Kalas, which ought to be developed and cherished throughout a lifetime. The first Kala represents the birth of potential or the seed full of potential, and the last Kala is associated with owning and being established in our true self. They are also associated with 16 easily pronounced wolves found in Sanskrit, which signify our ability to communicate with ease.
Third Eye Chakra Symbol Meaning
The Third Eye Chakra, or Ajna, is the sixth Chakra located above our brows, in the middle of the temple. In Sanskrit, Ajna is translated as ‘’command’’ or ‘’beyond wisdom’’. It is associated with indigo color, the ether element, and is believed to be a ‘’command center of the elements’’. The spiritual animal is a white elephant and the seed mantra is OM.
Indigo Color
Indigo in chakra symbols is associated with great wisdom, magic, and mysteries of the Universe. It is deeply connected with the power of the subconscious mind. Indigo symbolizes faith, but also the truths we can not rationally explain but can begin to understand only when we tap into our intuition.
Inverted Triangle
In the Ajna symbol, the down-facing triangle represents the insight and guidance coming ‘’from the above’’ or the higher intelligence. It is a link with the Divine and a “cone’’ shape that points to where we collect and store wisdom we receive through the Third eye. It represents the channeling and receiving spiritual downloads to the seed or the down-facing point of the triangle. When the great wisdom reaches the ‘’seed’’ it can then blossom, and we can reach the point of enlightenment.
Two-petalled Lotus
The two-petalled lotus represents the blending of the opposites and the meeting of dualities - our conscious mind, and the subconscious power, the self, and God or higher intelligence. They represent two Nadis, Ida, the Solar power, and Pingala, the Lunar power, which are sometimes associated with the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Balancing the two and making a mense between polarities brings peace, harmony, and clarity.
Crown Chakra Symbol Meaning
The Crown Chakra is the last and the seventh Chakra, associated with violet and pure white. The Sanskrit name is Sahasrara, which means ‘’infinite’’. Unlike the other six chakras, the Crown Chakra is not located on the body, but is transcendental and located just above the top of the head. It has no elements associated with it, but is rather connected to nothingness, the space as its meaning goes ‘’beyond the elements’’. For the Crown Chakra, the seed mantra is silence, or alternatively, silent OM and the symbolic animal is a cosmic egg.
Violet and White Color
When looking at chakra symbols, Crown Chakra is usually depicted as violet or white, both of which resonate with its symbolism. Violet in the Sahasrara symbol represents the highest awareness and spiritual elevation. It is connected to our highest selves and higher consciousness. White is a neutral color and symbol of ultimate purity. It contains all other colors found in the color spectrum, representing the Divine.
The Circle
The Circle in the Sahasrara is a symbol of openness and eternity. It is associated with the Full Moon and absolute spiritual awakening to the power of the Divine.
Thousand-Petalled Lotus
The lotus in the Crown Chakra has twenty rows of fifty, equally arranged petals. A thousand lotus petals are usually depicted as multicolored, representing the whole spectrum which together makes for a pure white. They symbolize kundalini power, supreme consciousness, and our connection with the Universe, the God, or the Creator.
Final Thoughts
Uncovering the Mysteries of the Universe and strengthening our connection with the Divine comes through self-discovery and self-realization. By understanding the power of the seven chakras and their symbolism, we open the gate to personal transformation and ultimately, greater awareness and enlightenment.
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