As an award-winning songwriter, musician, photographer, performer, and an Eagle Scout; I have always been open-minded and an out-of-the-box thinker.
Although this is true, I had always thought of crystal healing to be too outlandish for me. It wasn’t until later in my life, out of pure necessity, that I experienced the miraculous effects of healing crystals.
After being diagnosed with a rare condition that only six other people in the United States have, I began my quest to find a cure. I endured crippling nerve pain episodes that would intensify until I completely lost consciousness. As time passed on, this happened to me more and more often, until it eventually occurred every single day without fail. I lost the ability to work, go to school, perform my craft, live my life, and at my worst point, I couldn’t even get out of bed.
I saw countless doctors and specialists all around the country, I had multiple injections and special procedures, I tried a plethora of different pain pills and muscle relaxers, and I even had my spermatic cord surgically stripped of all nerves. None of these things worked and I started to feel hopeless and began to think my entire life would be spent in excruciating pain.
For years, I lost valuable relationships, time, and opportunities due to the pain brought on by my condition. Beyond desperate, I turned to alternative medicine for a potential cure, and after just one crystal healing session, I experienced life-changing results! Through regular crystal healing sessions, I began to reclaim my life.

* Crystals and stones should not be used as a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Please read our full disclaimer notice here.