12 Sobriety Crystals to Help You Overcome Addiction
INSIDE: No matter what type of addiction you may be struggling with, sobriety crystals are one of the easiest and natural tools for turning a new leaf. Discover our 12 favorite addiction recovery stones and how to use them here!
We're all probably addicted to something, whether it's a substance, a particular person, or even an object. In fact, according to the Addiction Center, "almost 21 million Americans have at least one addiction."
You might be addicted to pizza or chocolate. Most people can't live without caffeine. And I have to admit, I'm completely addicted to lip balm.
In this rapid and competitive race of life, addictions, such as drug addictions and alcoholism, are also escalating heights never dreamt of before!
You may know that the human body works in mysterious ways. There are times when medicines help you feel healthy again, while at other times, it can be the unique smell of nature that will nurse you back to feeling new and better again.
But you might not realize that healing stones can help as well. While there are many crystals available in nature, some are particularly helpful when it comes to addiction-recovery and sobriety.
Sobriety Crystals to the Rescue
One of the best ways to overcome addiction and maintain sobriety is by using sobriety crystals.
Crystals for sobriety can have a positive effect on your mental health. Many of these sobriety crystals below bring balance to the Sacral Chakra and Solar Plexus, helping you feel valued and allowing you to develop a stronger sense of self.
Here's a video about a few of these sobriety crystals before we continue the article...
Now, here are 12 of our favorite crystals for sobriety. They can help you get rid of your addiction and have the ability to heal inside and out.
Amethyst is probably the most popular sobriety crystal. Throughout history, it's been known as The Stone of Sobriety because it was thought to ward off temptation.
These crystals are known for their ability to help people with withdrawal and with maintaining sobriety by distracting us from our urges and unhealthy habits.
Deeply cleansing, these crystals for sobriety purify negative energies. And you may also use Amethyst for protection. They are also good to use in meditation, to increase intuition, and to open the Third Eye or connect to the spiritual planes.
Blue Tiger’s Eye
Blue Tiger’s Eye offers us tranquil and soothing energy that helps melt away stress and helps us stay sober and overcome addiction. It also helps you go with the flow instead of letting our addictions run our lives.
This is very inspirational stone, especially when it comes to enhancing self-confidence. When we feel more confident, we are less likely to let addiction take over. And these sobriety crystals also bring mental focus.
Blue Tiger’s Eye is excellent for overall grounding and protection, and it gives us that extra boost of confidence.
Black Onyx
Black Onyx is an extremely supportive stone. It helps us deal effectively with severe withdrawal symptoms, so that we can endure the process of recovery.
This sobriety crystal also has a calming effect, and it grounds and centers the wearer. It can help with self-awareness and it enhances self-confidence. They can also have a balancing effect on your body. All of this is extremely beneficial when trying to overcome addiction.
Hematite has the ability to clear negative energy that builds up on the chakras, which is often a burden on your body and mind. When that purification takes place, you'll feel a notable difference in your overall healing process.
These sobriety crystals harmonize the body, mind, and spirit. It anchors us in this world by helping us to connecting to the core of Mother Earth.
It also balances our meridians, providing support and courage when we are feeling vulnerable and tempted.
Carnelian is always a favorite crystal for maintaining sobriety. It gives us the power to break our bad habits. It is a very powerful tool for getting rid of our addictions and remaining sober.
As it is also an excellent healing stone for courage and creativity, Carnelian helps us overcome confidence and self-worth issues, which are two of the main causes of addiction in the first place.
Green Jasper
Green Jasper is known to empower the spirit and support us through difficult times by preparing us to “show up.”
It dissolves ingrained behavior patterns that no longer work in our favor and helps remove inhibitions and many things that can hold us back in life. This is how it helps you fight addiction.
Green Jasper also protects against and absorbs negative vibes, so that you don't have all of those negative energies to fight against.
Hiddenite is excellent as it will bring energies of compassion and forgiveness into your life. And it will also make you grateful for all the good times in your life.
It opens your heart's center to divine love, helping you on the path of recovery from addiction or abuse. If you lack confidence, Hiddenite will inspire and motivate you to “take heart” in being confident and brave in pursuing whatever you want.
Healers use Ametrine to soothe the female and male energies, reinstating balance and calm in the physical as well as all the subtle bodies.
These sobriety crystals calm anger and resentments. They help us release negative patterns and let go of old baggage from our past, such as guilt, burdens, or obsessions, to facilitate recovery.
Amethyst aids the analytical higher chakras to communicate with the sacral, base, and solar plexus chakras. And it is also uplifting and positive to hold and have around you.
When you wear Amethyst, it brings out more joy in your life. If you are struggling with addiction, these sobriety crystals will be a big help.
Aquamarine is a high energy gemstone well-known for clearing negativity, calming the mind, and creating peaceful energy for people who wear or even see this crystal.
These stones help us overcome impulsive or compulsive thoughts and behaviors, turning our attention to positive things so we can maintain sobriety.
Aquamarine is an excellent gemstone to help us better express ourselves, and to feel comfortable doing so without the need to hide who we truly are.
Lepidolite is excellent for overcoming any type of emotional or mental dependency, such as obsessive thoughts and addictions.
You may know that pure joy is usually a moving target. This is especially true when you're faced with the demands and stress of daily adult life.
However, with the Lepidolite healing crystal shining a bright light on your mental and spiritual journey, you will be able to keep your body and mind balanced in great harmony with the earth as well as its life-sustaining and healing energy.
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is a widely known stone with many uses. It helps people with depression because it is quite comforting. It helps us deal with the negative memories associated with trauma and abuse.
These sobriety stones absolve us of any guilt we might have had from our past relationships, and it supports us with our recovery.
Rose Quartz also provides healing and soothing energy for the heart chakra. It purifies the heart and eases the process of forgiveness.
Selenite is exceptional for drug or alcohol addiction because it can help soothe immense mental and physical pain that an individual has to face during recovery. It promotes mental calmness and honesty.
Want These Crystals for Sobriety?
We've bundled up five of these crystals for sobriety into our Sobriety/Addiction Recovery Healing Gemstone Collection so that you can easily benefit from their healing effects.
How to Use Sobriety Crystals
Now that you've learned about the best crystals for addiction recovery, it's time to discover some of the ways you can use them to get the results you're seeking.
Here are some of our favorite ways to use crystals for addiction and sobriety:
Carry Them in Your Pockets
When you are struggling with an addiction, you'll want the help of your sobriety crystals with you all the time. That's why placing them in your pockets is so beneficial.
Keep Them in Places Where You Struggle Most
If you find yourself driving to the liquor store a lot, place them in your car. If your addiction relates to food, keep some in the kitchen. If you spend a lot of time in your family room, keep some sobriety stones in there.
Meditate With Them
We always suggest meditating with crystals because it's one of the best ways to improve every area of your life. Meditation on its own is incredibly powerful, and when you add crystals, it works wonders.
Final Thoughts About Sobriety Crystals
These crystals for drug or alcohol addiction can help soothe immense mental and physical pain that an individual has to face during recovery. This is why it is one of the best stones for alcohol or drug addiction.
* Crystals and stones should not be used as a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Please read our full disclosure notice here.
Thanks for being the light with your words of helping people deal with addiction through natural resources 🌎
Hi Kimberly, that is a wonderful way to use these crystals!
Can you leave these crystals in the bag in your purse and take them with you wherever you go? And when you get home you bring them to your bedroom where you stay all night. Is that the right thing to do??
Love your website